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Kirk Babbs Arrested
Kirk Babbs, of Spencer, was arrested Monday on a grand jury warrant for the stabbing of a state house quarry hand, just before the fall election.
Isaac Gynn
About six weeks ago Isaac Gynn residing about 7 miles west of town, had a horse stolen from him. Last week officers from Owen county went to Pike county and arrested Ed Hummer and recovered the stolen animal. Hummer is now in the jail at Spencer.
Death of Dr. Boggs
Dr. Robert T Boggs died at Quincy, Owen county on Sunday morning last, of typhoid fever. Dr. Boggs removed from Noble county, Ohio, to this part of Indiana about six years ago. He taught school in Monroe and Brown counties for awhile, and, after attending medical lectures at Cincinnati, practiced medicine in Vanburen township, this county. In 1879 he moved to Bloomington and went into partnership with Dr. Weir. The removal of Dr. Mullinix to this place left open a good practice at Quincy, and Dr. Boggs seized upon the opportunity to obtain a good start in his profession. In March of last year he was married to a daughter of Wm. L. Payne, a young lady but about sixteen years of age. Today she is a widow; and not reached the age of maturity. Dr. Boggs was 31 years of age. No man ever left behind him a purer record than he. Honest and upright in all his dealings, he made many fast friends who were much pained to hear of his sudden taking off. By request of the young widow, Rev. J. W, Webb, the deceased's former pastor, came down from Greencastle to preach the funeral discourse. He was assisted in the ceremonies by Presiding Elder Welker, and the Rev. Mr. Pitner, pastor of the M . E. Church, where the services were held. The aged father and mother, and a brother of the deceased, were present and the ceremonies were very solemn and impressive. The Odd Fellows followed their dead brother to the grave, where the final services were held as the ritual of the order proscribes.
For Sale
I have for sale the following property:
- 240 acres of good farming land in Owen county, near Quincy.
- 160 acres of good grain land on Eel river, in Owen county.
- 76 acres of grass land in Owen county, near Quincy.
- A one story and a half frame house on Walnut street in Bloomington.
- Lot 40 by 160, facing railroad.
All of the above property will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to or address
A. W. Rose, Bloomington, Ind.
Arrested for Spoiled Meat
Sherrif Grimes went down to the West part of the county this week and arrested a man named Ison for selling spoiled meat in Owen county.
Candidates for Congress
The following is a list of probable candidates for Congress in this, the Fifth, District: John C. Robinson, Inman H. Fowler, Wiley Dittemore, of Owen county; Eb. Henderson, James V. Mitchell, M. H. Parks, of Morgan county; Judge Woolen, of Johnson county; Mr. Heavenridge, of Hendricks county; Col. Matson, Willis Neff, of Putnam county ; Geo. W. Cooper, Judge Carr, of Bartholomew county; W. W. Browning, of Brown county. This leaves Monroe county yet to hear from, and who knows but what she may carry off the prize.
Case of James LaShore
The case of James LaShore, of Owen county, against the railway was tried again this week. This is a case wherein the plaintiff asked for damages for injuries received by being thrown from a hand car, near Gosport, last June. Eight of the jury "pulled for the shore" and the other four were for the defendant, and that is the way they stood when discharged. The case was tried last term, when eleven of the jury were for the plaintiff.
Saw Mill Sold
Enoch Fuller, County Clerk, has sold his saw mill to Amos Wright, of Owen county. Mr. Fuller evidently does not intend to give up his office.
Frank Baker dead
Frank Baker, who had been working at Brooklyn, received word Wednesday of last week that his wife was ill at their home at Martinsville. That night he boarded an interurban car which arrived at Martinsville at 10 o'clock. When the car was entering the city Mr. Baker rose and walked to the platform and stepped off while it was in motion and was thrown to the grown (sic), his head striking something that cut a large gash in his forehead and rendered him unconscious. He was taken to Indianapolis to a hospital where he died about 3 hours after the accident.
It was supposed Mr. Baker was asleep when he stepped off the car. He was a former resident of this place and is a cousin to Geo. and Alexander Baker, and was born in 1849. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and Masonic lodge.
His remains were brought here Saturday morning and taken to Hudson Hill church where his funeral was preached by Rev. Davis, and the body was laid to rest by the masonic lodge of this place.
We extend sympathy to the bereaved widow and children and other relatives.
Died of Scarlet Fever
Died, of scarlet fever, Friday, Sept. 28, '88, Blanche, the little 2 year-old daughter of Jeff Harris and wife. The remains were interred in Riverside cemetery Sunday afternoon.
Died of consumption
Died, of consumption, Sunday, Sept. 30, '88, Sarah, daughter of John Sims and wife. This is the second death in the family in the last two weeks. The body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery Sunday afternoon.
Real Estate Transfers
The following are the real estate transfers for the week ending August 23, 1890:
George C. Massy to Andrew T. Massy, lots 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and strip adjoining Spencer $1200.00
Sheriff to Wm R. Kennedy, lot 3 Gosport $162.00
John Spears to C.R. and C.N. Ellis, lots 21 and 22 Spencer $325.00
Jacob A. Wright to George Chambers, 120 acres in Lafayette $2000.00
Nancy Biggerton et al to Ambrose Watson, 40 acres in Jefferson $300.00
James S. Goss to John W. Black et al Int. in 24 acres in Wayne $100.00
John W. Beem to Nancy M. Beem, 148 66-100 acres in Washington $2000.00
Hannah B. Greenfield to Daniel O. Sullivan, 235 acres in Jackson $5000.00
D. O. Sullivan to M. M. Walton, 235 acres in Jackson $8000.00
M. M. Walton to Allen Spyker, 235 acres in Jackson $8000.00
Freedom Flashes / Rattlesnake Rattlers
Freedom Flashes
Geo. Scott moved to Vilas last Saturday.
W. J. Suffal was at Spencer last Saturday on business.
Gus Hixenbaugh, of Patricksburg, spent Tuesday with us.
J. L. Pierson, of Spencer, was circulating among us Monday.
Joe Robinson shipped a car load of hogs from here Tuesday.
E. W. Cassady was at Martinsville last week for his health.
Jim Hicks and Fred Allen have gone to Illinois to cut broom corn.
W. F. Cassady and Sam Wallace were down Monday and made glad the hearts of the employees on the grade.
Work on the levee is in full progress. The managers report a full set of hands and will soon have the work completed. The election passed off quietly. All are well pleased with the new election law, except those who desire a compensation for their votes.
Rattlesnake Rattlers
Mrs. E. M. Barnes is visiting relatives at Gosport.
Miss Minnie White has gone on a visit to her grandfather.
The last rain we had has done a great deal of good to the corn.
Miss Mollie Price, of Spencer, is visiting her aunt this week.
Ed. White, who has been out in Illinois, has returned home.
Miss Mollie Wilson, of Spencer, visited her grandfather last week.
Miss L. Scott, of Freedom, was visiting Mrs. J. White last week.
A. G. More has improved his house by putting on a new tin roof.
J. James, of Shelbyville, Ind., is visiting his children in this locality.
Miss Sallie White has gone on a two week's visit to her uncle, James McClarey.
Sunday school next Sunday morning at half past nine o'clock. Preaching at half past seven by Rev. McCallister.
Hattie Babbs Married
Married, Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the residence of James Babbs,
Charles A. St. Clair and Hattie Babbs, daughter of Kirk Babbs.
Rev. C. E. Wells performed the marriage ceremony. Mr. St. Clair is a
brakeman on the Big Four and lives at Mt. Carmel, Ill.,
to which place the bride and groom took their leave Thursday morning on the ten o'clock train.
Spencer, Ind., Jan. 26 - The jury in the case of Mrs. Nancy Shuman against the Island City Coal Company at Spencer returned a verdict awarding $2,000 damages to the plaintiff. Her husband was killed in the company's mines.
Margaret Smith Eller
Contributor: Karen Zach
A very sad case of accidental poisoning, attended with fatal results, occurred Saturday night. The life belonged to Mrs. Maggie Eller and the sacrifice was occasioned by her own ignorance of morphine and its terrible effects, couple, perchance, with a piece of carelessness on the part of some druggist in selling her the powerful drug without cautioning her in regard to the quantity constituting a dose. Mrs. Eller has been a sufferer for sometime with acute neuralgia and has been taking treatment for the same under Dr. O. H. Jones. Saturday afternoon she returned from the Coffin factory, where she was employed in the lining department, and complained that she was not feeling well. From the symptoms she believed that it was an attack of neuralgia coming on and dispatched her young son, Harry for Dr. Jones. The physician responded in due time and found the lady in a condition bordering on the critical. She complained of feeling numb over her entire body and had all the symptoms of one suffering from an overdose of morphine. Notwithstanding her denial that she had taken any of the drug, Dr. Jones began treating her for morphine poisoning but she finally passed into convulsion and until death relieved the pain about 2 o'clock Sunday morning the lady never regained consciousness. Beneath her pillow was found a quantity of bulk morphine and several capsules. The box bore no druggists trade mark and where it came from is not known. However it is presumed that Mrs. Eller had taken it to relieve her pain and when questioned had denied the fact for the reason that she did not want the doctor to know she had been so careless as to prescribe for herself. A dose of morphine ranges from 1/8 to 1/2 grain and the supposition is that Mrs. Eller took a three grain capsule. The coroner was called and made a post mortem examination yesterday afternoon. The verdict returned was "death due to accidental poisoning."
Mrs. Eller was born in Whitehall in Owen County in 1833 and has been a resident of Crawfordsville for about 10 years, Her husband died soon after they moved here leaving his family in rather straightened circumstances but Mrs. Eller, by her own exertions, had succeeded in supporting and educating her two children, Harry and Carrie. She was a woman of many good qualities, a good neighbor and had the respect of the entire community.
Funeral services at 12 o'clock today by Rev. Howe and the remains were taken on the afternoon train to Bloomington, where the interment will occur.
Ralph Dyar of Indianapolis and Miss Rose Weber of Piqua, Ohio, were united in marriage at the latter place New Year's eve. Mr. Dyar is a son of Lafayette Dyar and wife, of Spencer, and the young couple came to Spencer immediately after their marriage to visit relatives. They will make their home in Indianapolis.
Mr. Dyar is a splendid young man and his bride is a charming young lady who has already made a host of friends among Owen county people.
William Galimore and daughter, Celeste, went to Quincy Wednesday to attend the funeral of his uncle, Wm. Davis, an old soldier and highly respected resident of that place, who died Monday. Mr. Davis was 88 years old.
A Spring Bargain
I have bought at a bargain 1,500 pounds of best Japan Head Rice, that I will sell as long as I have any in stock at
Four Pounds for 25 cts.
This is 20 per cent. below regular price. Take advantage of it.
Pleasant View
Miss Mary Arney spent Sunday with home folks.
Miss Ada Calbert returned home Sunday after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Amy Abrell.
Misses Monie and Bertha Kay called on Miss Dail Strouse Sunday.
M. E. Strauss is poorly with heart trouble.
Clayton Abrell called on his sister Mrs. Minnie Strouse, Sunday.
John and Homer Folk called on John and Ralph Arney Sunday.
W. M. Folk and family, Burgess Arney and C. S. Abrell called on Elza Strouse Sunday.
L. L. Day is numbered with the sick.
Rowan Abrell and family called on Harriett Long Sunday.
Miss Lillie D. Strouse spent one night last week with Miss Flora Pryor.
Miss Mabel Abrell came Monday to stay with Mrs. Foster Abrell who is poorly.
John Hoot and mother were shopping in Freedom Saturday.
Mrs. John Garvin returned home Sunday after a visit with her parents at Linton.
Wiley Boles and family returned to their home in Indianapolis Wednesday after a few days' visit with relatives here.
Frank McCormick of Cataract, spent Thursday and Friday nights with his brother, J. D. McCormick.
Mrs. George Lawson and daughter spent Saturday with Will Hauser.
Mrs. Lon Ooley is slowly improving.
William Hauser and family, Kay Cobb and family spent Sunday at Harley Hauser's.
Ira Davis and sister, Zella, of Spencer, spent Sunday at Bill Sims.
Carl Grady and wife spent Sunday at John Arnett's.
There will be preaching at Shiloh next Sunday by Rev. Wall.
Mrs. William Davis and Mrs. James Wood went to Greencastle Sunday.
Win McClure, wife and son, Herman, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Spencer.
Edd McBride has moved on the Eli Bowman farm.
The Kliaber and Fannin saw-mill is now in running order on John McCormick's farm.
Muse Ooley is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Morris.
How Can Any
How can any person risk taking some unknown cough remedy when Foley's Honey and Tar costs them no more? It is a safe remedy, contains no harmful drugs, and cures the most obstinate coughs and colds. Why experiment with your health? Insist upon having the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. - O. E. Dunn & Co.
J. E. Freeman who has been very ill with lung fever is improving nicely.
Myrtle Brown and Flora Noel visited friends and relatives in Monroe county last week.
Mr. Brent, of Indianapolis, was down last week looking after his farm.
H. H. Brown and wife visited their son Harve at Bloomington, Saturday and Sunday.
James Thacker and wife, of Vilas, visited J. K. Freeman and family, Thursday.
Charley Barnes and family, of near Solsberry, visited Isaac Noel and family, Saturday night and Sunday.
Miss Fannie Atkins was a Spencer visitor, Saturday.
Adolph Freeman, who has been sick with lung fever, is much better.
Harrison Brown and wife visited Harve Brinson and family, Sunday.
Rolla Sims came home, Sunday, sick with la grippe.
J. J. Maners and family, Eph Bruner and family took dinner with Enoch Bruner and family, Sunday. The sale at Charley Rice's last Tuesday was well attended.
Ernest Parrish and wife took dinner with Ben Ranard and family, Sunday.
Fred Maners visited Rolla Sims, near Romona, Saturday night.
James and Elias Patterson called Sunday on their way home from Spencer.
Charles Clendenen and family, of near Freedom, visited J. E. Freeman and family, Saturday night and Sunday. John Ranard will move on Tom Henry's farm. soon.
Miss Minnie Fry, of Marco, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Pauline Bryant this week.
John Patterson and wife of Jasonville visited friends and here last week.
Lowell Sinclair and wife of Switz City visited relatives here last week.
Solomon Williams returned home from Martinsville Tuesday.
James Randle made a business trip to Spencer Tuesday.
Miss Grace Long came down from Indianapolis Sunday to attend the funeral of her uncle, Henry Bryant.
Chas Patterson and Jas. Randle went to Worthington Wednesday.
Abe Haseman moved to a farm near Clay City this week.
Harry Miller has moved into the house just vacated by Abe Haseman
John Haton moved into a house of Chas. Patterson's Monday.
Mrs. Anna Arthur and daughter Miss Pearl of Freedom visited Mrs. Sol Williams this week.
Mrs. Amanda McIndoo of Freedom visited relatives here last week.
Mrs. Mamie Cornett of Elliston visited her parents here recently.
Abe Haseman made a business trip to Clay City Tuesday.
Mrs. Harrison Trent and daughter Miss Minnie visited in Spencer week.
Tariff may be on Coffee
Still people use it and will continue to do so. At our store the proposed increase of 1 cent has not affected the price. Better lay in stock now to last you
You will always find our store well supplied with the very best the market affords in the line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Smoked meats, Lard, Glassware, Queensware, Cigars and Tobacco; in fact you will find at our store everything that enter into the line of an up-to-date grocery store Vegetables and fruits of all kinds in season at such prices that you can afford to use them. We want your poultry, butter and eggs. Highest market price in cash or trade
Vandeventer & Tapp.
In garden seeds, soap, sugar and flour.
We bake Salt Rising Bread Tuesday and Saturday.
Those handling the Bread are: Spencer Mercantile Co., J. W. Egnor, C. M. Allen and J.R. Greene.
Always fresh at the Bakery.
W.H. Berry
Genuine Brown Cultivators and Harrows, Osborne Disc Harrows, Oliver Breaking Plows and Black Hawk Corn Planters all in stock ready for your inspection. Come and see us before buying.
Galimore Hardware Co.
South Side Public Square
Spencer. Indiana.
GO TO.......... LOUIS SCHMIDT'S Leading Druggist of Spencer. Piersons New Block, West Side.
Trustees office
Notice. The Trustees office has been moved to the corner of Main and Wayne street, two blocks south of the Public Square. Regular office days on Wednesdays and Saturdays. E. M. ALLEN, Trustee
John B. Archer
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist
Calls answered promptly day or night. Office in Berry's Feed Barn building. 'Phone, Old 31, New 24.
NOTICE. If you want to buy a farm or to sell the one you have got it will pay you to see me. All kmds of farms or town property for sale or trade.
Write me your wants.
Farms sold on short notice.
Class of Sixteen, Eleven Girls and Five Boys, Will Receive Diplomas
Ernest Brown
Ernest Brown attended the Hale school until the seventh grade. He took the eight year's work under Mr. James Raper at this place. He is preparing to teach. Ernest played on the Gosport High School football team for three years, his position being tackle and half. He lives with his parents, Noah and Arlita Brown, two and one half miles west of Gosport. He was born in 1893.
Bertha Campbell
Bertha Campbell, who lives with her mother Mrs. Alice Campbell has completed the twelve years' work of the Gosport school, She was born in Gosport, August 30, 1892.
Herman Carlton
Herman Carlton spent most of his school life in Quincy, Indiana. In 1907 he attended school in Harrison Township, coming from there to High school in 1908. He was a member of the football team for three years playing tackle and end. During his residence here he has been active in church work and for several years has been president of the Epworth League. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva B. Carlton, live in Nebraska. Herman will enter Bethany College at Bethany, West Virginia this fall. He wa born at Cartersburg, Indiana, July 8, 1892.
May Cherry
May Cherry is the daughter of Frank and Elizabeth Cherry. She was born in Morgan County, Indiana in May 1891. Her education in the common school was received at the Pocket school house.
Mary Evans
Mary Evans attended school at the Surber school house completing the eighth grade in the year of 1908. She expectes to teach and will make further preparation for her work by entering Indiana University on the 10th, Her parents are James S. and Emma Brown Evans. She was born June 1, 1894.
Hazel Gray
Hazel Gray, daughter of James and Alice Gray, was born in Morgan County, Indiana, May 24, 1891. She attended school her first two years at Eminence and the remaining years of common school at Little Mount. She will teach.
Herman Hensley
Herman Hensley attended the common school at District No. 3, in Taylor township. He is the son of Charles W. Hensley. He was on the football team during the four years in which he attended the High school. The first year he played as substitute and afterwards played in the back field. Herman plays a violin in the Gosport Orchestra. He will teach next year. He was born June 8, 1894.
Haleen Kidd
Haleen Kidd spent the first seven years of her school life at the country school known as Sand College. During the eighth year she attended the Gosport school and entered High School with the present class. She was born December 15, 1894, and lives with her father, Mr. B. S. Kidd. She will teach.
Malissa McCarty
Malissa McCarty is the daughter of William and Victoria McCarty. She attended school at Little Mount until she finished the eighth grade. She entered the Gosport High School in 1908. Malissa holds the record for attendance, not having missed a day during the first three years. On account of a death in the home it was necessary for her to miss a few days the last year. She expects to take a course in Indiana University, after which she will teach. She was born February 19, 1892.
Herbert Morgan
Herbert Morgan is the only one of the class who did not enter Gosport High School in the fall of 1908. He attended the Spencer High School for two years, after which he spent one year at Shortridge in Indianapolis. He has been with this class one and one half years. He expects to be a clothing salesman in Chicago. Herbert was born in Chatanooga (sic), Tenn. in 1901. He is the son of Mrs. C. W. Hensley, of this place.
Mary Sinclair
Mary Sinclair, oldest daughter of J.G. and Malissa Sinclair, was born in Harrison township in 1894. She completed the work of the common school in six years, attending school No. 4 near her home. She will enter Indiana University June 10th.
Ruby Spangler
Ruby Spangler finished the eighth grade at Surber school, after which she spent eight weeks in the eighth grade at Gosport. She was born in ---- and is the daughter of Mrs. Ida Spangler, living northwest of this place.
Edith Stierwalt
Edith Stierwalt attended the Brush school in Wayne township the first seven years of her school life. Having completed the course in that time she entered High School. She was born July 24, 1894, at Gosport Junction, the daughter of John and Ora Stierwalt.
Loyd Stoner
Loyd Stoner was born in Marion county, Indiana, June 28, ???? His parents moved to Hancock County and there Loyd attended school for seven years. The eighth year was ? after coming to this county. He attended High School since the year of 1908 with the exception of about four weeks during his Junior year when it was necessary for him to go on a trip. However, the work he missed has been made up and he will graduate with his class. Loyd played foot ball for four years, the first at guard and the last three at half. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stoner.
Emma Stucky
Emma Stucky attended school at No. 4 in Harrison township until she had completed the fifth grade. The remainder of the work has been taken in the Gosport school. Emma was born at Spring Cave, Ind., November 10, 1889. She is the daughter of Homer W. and Kate Stucky, of Indianapolis.
Nellie Wampler
Nellie Wampler was born in Monroe County, September 15, 1891. She lives with her parents, Jefferson and Amanda Wampler. Nellie has passed through the twelve grades of the Gosport school. She entered the High School in 1908 and in addition to her school work has been on the staff of the local paper.
Robert McNaught, 35 years old, son of General Thomas A. McNaught of Spencer, was shot and instantly killed Sunday noon at Mooresville by Henry Beeler, marshal of that place. It seems that McNaught and a friend named Elkins were making trouble on the downtown streets and that Marshal Beeler was called to put a stop to it. Elkins and McNaught turned on the marshal, Elkins striking him and knocking him to his knees. Both men, says the Star, jumped onto him and began beating him but were pulled off by citizens.
Five shots were said to have been fired, four of which, according to the Star found lodgment in McNaught's body, and his death was practically instantaneous. The shooting occurred at noon and was witnessed by fully 200 people who were going home from two churches, both in sight of the scene of the shooting. Coroner Maxwell held Beeler guilty of murder and Sheriff Haas of Morgan County took the marshal into custody and he was placed in jail.
To the public
Died, of blood poisoning, Wednesday, Sept. 26, '88, the infant of Ben Babbs and wife. The funeral took place from the Christian church on Thursday afternoon.
Ennis guests
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chambers and Mrs. William Heaps of Spencer, were the guests of Harry Ennis and family, yesterday.
Leora Martin
Mrs. L. F. Collier who has been visiting with her father Leora Martin, east of town, returned to her home in Paragon Wednesday.
Ed DeVore
Miss Nellie Tabbs of Terre Haute came last week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed DeVore northwest of town.
Surber property
Charles P. Surber has bought the Walter Jones property on North Harrison Street and will move in as soon as he has his sale. He takes the Recorder's office Jan. 1st.
Joseph Sims Dead
Mrs. Noah Brown, living west of Spencer, received word recently of the death of her brother, Joseph Sims, at his home in Cushing, Okla.
Mr. Sims formerly lived in Owen County and is well known among the older people of this vicinity. He died October 17th.
Eliza Medaris Dead
Mrs. Eliza Medaris, a sister of Mrs. James Babbs, died at her home in Bedford, Saturday at 2 o'clock and the funeral services were held Monday at 2 p.m. She was a daughter of Absolom Kiplinger and wife and formerly lived here.
Thomas Hardin Being Tried in the Owen Circuit Court This Week.
Was Alleged to Have Been Intoxicated When Crime Was Committed
The November term of the Owen Circuit Court was convened Monday with the new Judge, Robert W. Miers, on the bench. Immediately after the convening of court Judge Miers gave way to Special Judge Herbert Rundell, of Spencer, who began the trial of Thomas Hardin for the murder of his wife, whom he is alleged to have killed, with her mother, at Bloomington last March.
The court room was fairly well filled when the trial began, and many of the special veniremen had to be examined before a jury was found that was acceptable to both sides.
A jury was empaneled Monday afternoon, consisting of Carl Buzzard, of Clay township; Roscoe Anderson, of Morgan; Samuel Miller of Clay; Daniel Stahl of Jefferson; William M. Job of Jackson; Erzie Strouse, of Lafayette; Homer Dean, of Morgan; Claude Hoadley, of Wayne, William C. Teagardin, of Washington; Calvin Barker, of Clay; Thomas W. Lukenbil, of Wayne, and James L. Dunigan of Wayne.
Hickam & Hickam of Spencer, and Joseph Henley of Bloomington, are assisting Joseph Barclay in the prosecution, and Robert G. Miller, Frank Regester, of Bloomington, and Homer Elliott, of Spencer, are defending.
Sheriff Robertson has been ordered by the Court to keep the jury together throughout the process of the trial. They will, therefore, not be permitted to separate until the case is terminated, which will probably last throughout the present week.
Following the opening statement by Prosecutor Joseph K. Barclay, four witnesses were examined for the state before court adjourned Monday.
Joseph K. Barclay, prosecuting attorney, made the opening statement for the state. The defense deferred its statement until after the examination in chief was concluded. It is understood, however, the defense will not contradict the main facts in the case, but will plead insanity. Frank Regester examined the jurors for the defense and questioned them especially as to their attitude on the plea of insanity.
In questioning the jurors for the state, Joseph B. Henley asked each man if he believed in captial punishment. When it became evident that the selection of a jury of men who bleieved in capital punishment would be difficult, the state no longer pressed this pont. The bloodstains on the garments worn by Mrs. Hardin on the day of the tragedy were exhibited to the jurors and Chief of Police Hensley, of Bloomington, and the physicicans who were called to attend Mrs. Hardin gave their testimony. So far no witnesses have been examined to prove the sanity or insanity of the defendant, although it is understood that the defense will introdce a number of expert alienists.
Frank White of Carp Has Right Arm Badly Mangled
The first corn shredder accident to occur in Owen county this season happened last Wednesday, when Frank White, son of Eli White, a young farmer living a short distance north of Carp, lost a portion of his right arm while running the machine.
Frank White and his brother, Don, own a corn shredder and have contracts with several farmers in the north part of the coutry to shred their fodder, and while running the machine on the farm of Riley Goss, near Carp, it became clogged. In attempting to clean out the knives while the machine was running his right hand became caught in the knives and his hand and arm were cut and crushed so badly that Dr. A. Pierson, of Spencer, who was immediately summoned, was compelled to amputate the arm below the elbow. At this writing the wound is healing nicely. The unfortunate young man has the sympathy of his hundreds of friends throughout the county.
Real Estate Transfers 2
(Reported by Spandler & Rundell, Lawyers and Abstractors)
Charles Gifford to Will O. Banion, 97 a. in Morgan tp. $1.00 and other consideration.
Wm. T. Berwick to Elva B. Smith, 68 a. in Jefferson tp., $1.00 and other consideration.
Uriah Need to Lucy A. Williams, 53 a. in Lafayette tp., $800.00
Mary E. Surber to Lyman D. Heavenridge, pt. of lot 76, Spencer, $200.00
Ann Bolin to Laura Ferice in Jackson tp., $1.00 and other consideration.
Joseph H. Hicks to Sherman Hicks, undivided 2-7 of 40 a., Franklin tp., $3,000.00
J. T. York to J. W. Huber, one-half a. in Talor tp. $1.00
Geo J. Dickenson to Fred Dailey, 238 a. in Lafayette tp., $4,000.00
Loving Winklepleck to Jessie Joice, 60 a. in Marion tp., $1,000.00
Clarence J. Haltom to Ezra McAninch, 1 a. in Taylor tp., $125.00
Will Celebrate 100th Birthday
Mrs. Nancy Tincher, one of the pioneers of this section, will celebrate her one-hundredth birthday anniversary on Monday, Nov. 30, at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. George Stafford. Mrs. Tincher was born in Tennessee and came to this part of the country with her parents. The family made the journey in a two wheel cart drawn by oxen. Mrs. Tincher has been a member of the Methodist church for eighty-five years. She is a woman loved by all who know her - Linton Citizen.
Bashie Boone placed in Asylum
W. L. Edwards and wife, custodians of the county farm, took Bashie Boone, 78 years old, colored, to the southern Indiana hospital for the insane Thursday. The hospital is located at Madison. "Aunt Bashie", as she is familiarly known, has been in feeble health all winter and her illness has at times affected her mind. Her husband, Bradford Boone, died several years ago and she has been living alone.
Bashie is a daughter-in-law of "Aunt Zilpha" Boone who died here in 1901 at the age of 111 years. The Boone family has quite a history. Aunt Zilpha and her son, Brad, were owned before the war by one Boone, a relative of the famous Daniel of Kentucky, and the slaves were freed long before the war, the stipulation being that the blacks should care for him till his death. In payment therefor he gave them the farm in Clay township on which the famous Boone's cave is located.
Eggs for Hatching
S.C. White Leghorns
$1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100
W. E. Jarvis
Spencer, R.R. 4
Saturday A Good Day
Saturday with its warmth and bright sunshine brought a goodly crowd to Spencer and they lined the sidewalks in the shade and enjoyed each other's company. The hitch rack was packed with teams and there was a prosperous look to things around the business section all day. The merchants report a good trade in all lines.
The ladies will be glad to lean that aluminum is cheaper. If they will visit the Joslin Hardware Co. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week they will be surprised. See Window.
William Seay of Worthington, was here last week to see his father, Chris Seay, who has been ill.
T.G. Straley was at Worthington Saturday.
Maj. D. I. McCormick of Indianapolis was here Saturday greeting old friends.
A delightful sense of vigor and exhilaration after a Mineral Water "Rub in the Tub."
W. S. Mead is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hammond and family in Indianapolis.
Herman Davis of Indianapolis, spent Sunday here with his parents, John Davis and wife.
Lloyd Summers of Martinsville came down Thursday night to attend a Masonic function.
Don't forget to file your mortgage before May 1st. Faye Cochrane, Pierson Block.
Rev. Foster and family spent Sunday in Worthington, guests of her mother, Mrs. Rairden.
Mrs. Thos. Draper of Lafayette came Monday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Padgett.
Good for rheumatic troubles: hot Mineral Water baths, 25 cents, 5 course ticket only $1.00.
Mrs. John Bennett entertained the Social Twelve Monday afternoon. Refreshments were served.
Rupert Spangler who has been working in Indianapolis, returned home last week and will likely be here through the summer.
Mrs. Robert Williams, a sister of J. W. Egnor, is critically ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. White, in Chicago where she and her husband have spent the winter.
What Would Make a Better Gift Than a Ticket for the Band Wagon?
Christmas is coming. Do you realize that two weeks from Saturday will be the date for the greatest holiday of the year. What have you done to prepare for it? Have you knit that pair of socks for father? Have you bought that box of cigars for mother? We will venture a guess, that is, is that you haven't bought a thing yet and won't until the last day. The struggle to get Christmas gifts to please everyone and yet to be in range of our purse is always a trying matter. You mayhap are laying awake of nights trying to think of things for sister Susie or uncle Bill and you worry your head off trying to think of something to get that will please them. There is one gift that is always pleasing especially to the folks away from home and that is the ticket for a years trip on the Democrat band wagon. Buy one and make the recipent of your Christmas gift this year happy. The following were in and secured tickets last week.
- Emmett Chambers, Spencer
- John Spangler, Coal City.
- Nannie Steel, Quincy.
- Mrs. F. M. Brown, Cataract.
- Henry Spangler, Coal City.
- Charles Black, Gosport.
- Daniel Stahl, Terre Haute.
- R. W. Macy, Spencer.
- Herbert Cooksey, Cloverdale
- H. B. Foley, Spencer.
- Rolla Stogsdill, Spencer.
- Mrs. Pauline Hicks, Raymond, Neb.
- Mrs. F. G. Smith, Indianapolis.
- Mrs. Cinda Crane, Running Water, South Dakota.
- C. C. Bryant, Freedom.
George Miller, age twenty two, son of Samuel Miller of Clay City, was shot and fatally injured by the accidental discharge of a gun while out hunting near Clay City one day last week, says the Brazil Democrat. The young man, accompanied by Edgar Harris, was hunting not far from Clay City when the accident occurred. Miller stepped up on a log to get a better view of the field they were in when he slipped and fell and the trigger of the gun struck against the log, accidentally discharging it. The load of shot took effect in his stomach, and he fell to the ground in an unconscious condition.
After making an examination of the wound three physicians announced that the young man was fatally injured, and that there was practically no hope for his recovery.
Town Council Meeting
The last regular meeting of the year for the present town council was held on Monday night. The books for the year's business were practically closed. Not much business was before the body with the exception of allowing the yearly salaries of fire chief Walter Proctor and his eighteen assistants and other incidental expenses. The salary of each of the firemen is $15 per year. Marshal elect Hugh Parrish and Councilman-elect Thomas Antibus were interesting spectators. A special meeting will be held during the month to dispose of all unfinished business before the January meeting, when the council will be reorganized.
Two small fires
Two small fires, neither doing much damage, made work for the fire department the past week. The first one was Saturday morning when a flue burned out at the home of George Dean, corner Franklin and Harrison streets, and the second one on Sunday at the home of Marquis Moffett on West Morgan street. The roof was slightly burned on account of a defective flue.
Stockholder meeting
? Poulton of Worthington, who recently purchased the Poohin farm of 452 acres, southwest of Spencer, has removed his family to the farm, which adds another desirable family to the citizenship of Owen county.
Moose feed
That flourishing fraternal order, the Moose, gave a "big feed" at the hall Saturday night, at which nearly all the members, with their wives, children and sweethearts, were present. After the lunch the evening was spent in social enjoyment and speeches, in all of which events it is said that County Clerk J. C. Clark took the lead and helped to make the occasion a pleasant one for members and visitors.
In Which Three Persons Were Injured, One of Them Seriously.
An automobile owned by Al Hickam and driven by his son, Oliver Hickam, turned turtle last Sunday morning opposite the Steve Summers farm, near Rattlesnake, three miles west of Spencer, and injured three persons. Besides Mr Hickam who escaped uninjured, the other occupants of the machine and their injuries were:
MISS OLIVE EGNOR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Egnor, right leg broken below the hip and otherwise injured about the body.
MISS LURA SLAUGHTER, librarian of the Spencer Library, head and neck terribly bruised; thought at first injuries caused concussion of brain, but she has nearly recovered. MRS. JOHN PAGE, daughter of Dr. J. N. Sloan, body bruised and lower limbs lasoerated (sic); not serious.
The party was out for a morning drive and when they came to the fatal spot, Charles Truax, tenant on the farm of Mr. Summers, hove in sight leading a couple of farm horses, intending to put them in a nearby pasture, and Mr. Hickam turned to the side of the road, which recently had been covered with a fresh coat of gravel.
The gravel gave way and the machine skidded partially down the eight foot embankment and turned over into the ditch, pinioning the occupants underneath.
The edge of the rear seat fell across the throat of Miss Egnor and the rear of the machine struck her with such force as to break her leg. The heavy door of the machine lay on Miss Slaughter's head, and but for the softness of the earth the young ladies would have been mashed to a pulp. Mrs. Page fell under the machine in such a manner as to receive only slight injuries. Mr. Hickam also fell under the machine, and it is probably owing to the height of the wind shield and steering wheel that he and Mrs. Page escaped so fortunately.
As soon as Mr. Hickam could extricate himself he managed to get on his hands and knees and by super-human strength he raised the side of the machine off of the unfortunate women until Mr. Truax, who had hurried to the scene, could drag them from under the car and also release Mr. Hickam.
A telephone call for assistance was sent to Spencer and Drs. Allen and Bartley and others hurried to the scene. The injured ones were given immediate medical attention and then hastened to their homes. Owing to the serious condition of Miss Egnor an automobile could not be used and a school wagon was secured in which to bring her home.
Mr. Hickam is employed in the offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Indianapolis and Mrs. Page lives in Grand Junction, Colo. They came here to pay a visit to their relatives.
The automobile was only slightly damaged. The windshield and front of the car were broken and the body of the machine scratched while sliding down the embankment. The place where the accident happened is considered to be a dangerous stretch of road for automobiles. It is a high, narrow road for a distance of a quarter of a mile, with a steep embankment of from six to ten feet, leading to an open ditch below. Several minor accidents have happened there, but this proved to be the only dangerous one.
Henry returns to Evansville
Ralph B. Henry, of the Evansville Hay and Grain Company, returned to Spencer Monday evening from Bloomfield where he had been superintending the loading of several car loads of hay for his firm. It will be to the advantage of Owen county farmers who have hay to dispose of to read his ad in today's Democrat.
Willen - Props married
John L. Willen, son of Christian Willen,and Miss Esther A. Props, daughter of Madison M. Props, were, married at the county clerk's office last Saturday afternoon, Rev. F. E. Davison officiating. The contracting parties live near Coal City and are popular young people of that vicinity.
Beaman visit
Mrs. Nan Beaman and son Dan of Franklin township were visiting the family of John McHaley of this place Friday.
Reported by Homer Elliott, Atty,Abst.
- Grace Ooley et al to John O. Carpenter etux. lot No 11 in Pleasant Valley. $50.00.
- Jane Beaman to Margaret Reiter, land in Jennings township $1.00.
- William Huntsicker to James W. Cook, 110 acres in Jackson township, $1,000.00.
- Housen Cooksey to Harvey Cooksey, 80 acres in Morgan township $32.
- Pavil Wilson to Benjamin Babbs, lot No. 45 in Franklins addition to Spencer, Indiana. $1.00.
- Lemuel Parrish et al to William H. Rice, undivided one third interest in lot 32 in Beem's addition and lot 7 in Spencer, Ind. Exchange of property.
- Morta Parrish, Guardian to William H. Rice, undivided one third interest in lot 32 in Beem's addition to Spencer, Ind., Exchange.
- Robert W. Rice et al to Dora Freeman, land in Washington tp. $800.00.
- J. I. Buskirk to Burl Greene, lot 8 Block 7 in Gosport, Ind., $176.00.
- Mary Langdon to Harvey Cooksey etux, 37 1/2 acres in Jackson tp. $400.00
- Jesse L. Gray to George W. Taylor 40 acres in Clay township, $1.00
- Harvey Evans to Sabina L. Sweet 30 acres in Montgomery tp. $2500.00.
- Thomas O. Phillips to James B. Phillips, etux undivided one third of two thirds of land in Washington tp. $500.00.
To Organize Charity Committee
Members of the Tri Kappa sorority issued a call for a meeting of the charity workers of the city at the city ball last Tuesday night, but only a meager crowd responded. Misses Louise Cooper, Ione Cassady, Faye Cochrane, Joel Cochrane and Lorraine Greene were present, representing the Tri Kappas and a half a dozen men took enough interest in the meeting to attend.
The object of the meeting was to formulate plans to more evenly distribute the charity work among the different charitable organizations of the city. A committee, consisting of Court Chambers; F. E Davison and Joel Cochrane, were appointed to call on the lodges, business men and churches to enlist their support. A meeting will be held at the city hall next Tuesday night, and it in hoped that the men and women interested in charitable work will attend. A big Christmas tree may be put up in the court house yard on Christmas eve, and a suitable prevent will be given to every child in Spencer. Councilmen Summers, Williams and Coffey have offered to secure the tree and L. Lowenburg, president of the electric light company, kindly consented to have the tree lighted with different colored lights free. This question will also be discussed at the meeting.
An all Day Meeting.
There will be an all day meeting at the Baptist church next Sunday, beginning with a Sunrise Service at six o'clock in charge of the B. Y. P. U. to which all the young people of the other societies are invited and any others who will come.
Bible school at 9:15, Preaching at 10:30, at noon dinner in the basement. Every member is requested to brng their baskets well filled and old fashioned basket dinner in the basement. Friends are invited to come at 2:30 in the afternoon. In the evening at 7:00 Bro. R. W. Turner of Martinsville will preach and all are invited to hear him.
B. Y. P. U. 6:00
Evening Worship 7:00
Special Business meeting Wednesday night. Every member is urged to be present. A Cordial Welcome to all. L. C. Overman, Pastor
Gravel Road and Bridge Contracts Let—Bid for Court House Janitor.
Sickness of members of the commissioners court came nearly being the cause of postposing the December session of the body this week. Samuel Oberboltzer telephoned to Auditor George W. Stwalley that it would be impossible for him to attend on account of sickness. Later Commissioner John Black notified the auditor that he, too, was sick and could not be here Monday. Commissioner Jesse Johnson came in early, but under the law he could not transact the business and nothing was done during the day. Mr. Black came in Tuesday morning, and, although sick, he and Mr. Johnson disposed of considerable business.
Bids were opened and the contract let for the construction of the gravel road known as the Van Horn road, in Jefferson township. The contract was let to John E. Doke, he being the lowest bidder. The bids were:
- John E. Doke...........$1,348.00
- Andrew Collenbaugh 1,458.20
- Willard Harstine 1,446.90
- Sam F. Hays 1,473.00
McCormick's creek bridge was let to George R. Babbs for $398.00, he being the only bidder.
The contract for doing the concrete work on the east side of the court house was let to the lowest bidder, as follows:
- George R. Babbs ..... $149.38
- N. W. Pickens 174.00
The construction of the Fish creek bridge was awarded to the Vincennes Bridge Co., the bids being:
- Vincennes Bridge Co. $925.00
- Sam F. Hays 974.00
The following bids were submitted for the position of janitor of the court house. The commissioners will announce the name of the successful bidder later:
- Nelson Bigger.... $364.00
- George W. Vandevender...$523.50
- Cos R. Proctor 638.75
- Samuel Tow 429.00
- George R. Coffey 497.00
- Homer Gantz 540.00
At a meeting of twenty-four football men of Indiana University at Bloomington last Saturday, Freel McIntosh, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McIntosh of Freedom, was elected captain for 1916. He is full back on this year's eleven.
Mr. McIntosh came into prominence as a member of this year's squad of Indiana University players when he made Indiana's touchdown in the Chicago game, and later distinguished himself at Indianapolis by running eighty yards from the initial kick-off in the Washington and Lee contest for the only Indiana touchdown. He also played a scrappy game against Purdue and was one of the beat ground gainers on the squad. Besides football, the other branch of athletics he takes part in is the track, his events being the 100 and 220 yard dashes.
Rev. Foster Closes Revival.
A correspondent of the Worthington Times says: "Bro. M. V. Foster of Spencer closed a ten days' meeting at Lincoln church, in Smith township, with five additions, one by letter and four by baptism. The meeting closed much to our regret, as the sermons were all very instructive and helpful. Bro. Foster has labored with us for nine months and made many warm friends among the people of this community, and all having a kind feeling for him.
McClean Johnson Dies
McClean Johnson, forty-seven years old, treasurer of Clay county, died suddenly Friday evening of heart disease. He went home from his office after dinner complaining of illness, but returned to work in the afternoon. He went home again in evening and lay down, dying soon afterward, A widow and daughter survive.
New Candy Kitchen.
George Poolitsan of Bloomington and George Poolitsan of New York are here busily engaged in superintending the work of remodeling and decorating the J. N. Thomas business room on the south side of the square, where they will soon open up one of the most up to-date "candy kitchens" in this part of the state.
Every known kind of good candy, freshly made, will be in stock for lovers of sweets, and there will be cozy nooks and comfortable seats for those who wish to be served in the store. A costly soda fountain will of (sic) installed and delicious hot and cold drinks will be served. A big musical instrument is on the way and the Poolitsan establishment will be a place to drive away care and forget your troubles.
These gentlemen are expert candy makers, and everything will be fresh and pure.
Phillips Jewelry Store
The Phillips Jewelry Store was one of the prettiest places in town Thursday when the Christmas opening was held during the afternoon and evening. Hundreds of visitors took advantage of the occasion to pay their respects to the genial proprietor and his assistants.
Forty Years Old.
Last week the Democrat started on its forty-first year with a bonafide circulation larger by far than it ever had during its entire existence. We have added many new names to the list during the past year and we easily lead in point of circulation any other paper in the county; in fact, nearly double that of at least two papers. No increase in the advertising rates has been made, and that fact should be taken into account by shrewd advertisers when placing their advertising for 1916. When the editor took charge of the paper nearly eighteen years ago the circulation did not exceed 1,000, but we have, by hard work and perseverance, built it up to its present high standard.
William H. Cassady
William H. Cassady was one of a class of 371 neophytes that kept the camel busy at the Murat Temple, Indianapolis, last Friday night when they learned the mysteries of the Shrine, known to the unitiated (sic) as the thirty-second degree of Masonry. Charley Allison, John H. Smith, Horace Bacon and George Moore accompanied Mr. Cassady and witnessed the work.
Pike Road Superintendents
The following assistant pike road superintendents were here Tuesday: Asa Close, Morgan township; Joe Meek, Jennings; Frank Manning, Harrison; Wm. Alverson, Montgomery; Frank Hester, Washington; John Anderson, Wayne; Charley Klingler, Marion; Fred Everhart, Jefferson; S. W. Williams, Franklin; Hugh Parrish, Washington.
Bixler clothing store
The big Bixler clothing store has probably outdone all previous efforts in the way of window display. This time it is an entrancing winter scene with good old Santa Claus peeping out at the splendid Christmas presents he is going to carry to your homes the night before Christmas.
On account of the bad weather I have postponed the public sale of my stock, implements, corn, hay, etc. in the above date. - George Pfalzgraf
Personal News
Mrs. J. F. Strain was the guest of (illegible) Indianapolis Friday.
Mrs. Underwood and children were the guests of relatives in Bainbridge Friday.
Herman Campbell was here from Muncie Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. Alice Campbell
Mrs. Geo. Cline of Bloomington was the guest Friday of Mrs. H. Murphy.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Gregory and daughter, Onnar, were visitors in Indianapolis Monday.
The primary department of the Methodist church will furnish the music for Sunday school Sunday.
Mrs. C. O. Butcher, of Stinesville was a visitor with friends here Sunday.
Arthur Spicer, the Vandalia brakeman, visited here over Sunday with his family.
Burton Wampler, of Indianapolis was the guest of relatives here Sunday.
Mrs. Rooks Goodall, of Ellettsville, came Saturday to be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ira Martin, south of town.
After being the guest of relatives here a few days, John Gilbert returned Friday to his work near Cloverdale.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson amd daughters Alice and Majorie, were guests or Mr. and Mrs. Ol Lash, near Paragon Saturday and Sunday.
A few extra good Indian Runner drakes for sale. B. S. Kidd, R. I. Gosport.
Mrs. Jas. Cherry and little son, east of town, were guests Saturday of her mother, Mrs. Farr, in Martinsville.
Mort Duncan, for a number of years one of the leading merchants of Quincy, was a business visitor here Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lyon, of Crawfordsville were here Saturday night and Sunday, the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyon.
Mrs. G. E. John returned to her home in Muncie Friday after being the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Neal, during Christmas holidays.
After a pleasant visit here with brothers James and Theo. Dittemore and families, Mrs. Elizabeth Teagardin returned to her home in Greencastle Friday.
Instead of the regular 500 mile auto race at the Indianapolis speedway next May the contest has been cut down to 300 miles with a first prize of $30,000 instead of $50,000.
After spending the holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haltom. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Teague and little daughter, Margaret, returned to their home in Indianapolis Friday.
Herman Fox returned to LaFayette yesterday to resume his studies at Purdue University after spending the holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Fox.
The heavy rains of last (illegible) forced the river out over (illegible) lands.
Classes was (sic) resumed in the schools Monday after a vacation of a little more than a week.
Mrs. Martha Stines came from Indianapolis Friday to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stines.
A farmer living near Auburn. Ind. sold 300 tons of cabbage off a fifteen acre field, receiving an average of $5 a ton, $1500 in all for the crops. A few crops like this and Indiana will be full of cabbage magnates. A crop that brings in $100 an acre is worth looking into.
Bert Ray, the hustling and successful auctioneer living out on route No. 1 was here Friday and Saturday to assist in the Cassel sale of merchandise. Saturday he called and contracted for a quantity of that great business booster, printers' ink. Note his card elsewhere in this issue.
F. A. McCarty, traveling cashier for the Western Oil Refining Co. was at home from Winamac over Sunday. His company selected two men last week for a month's work in eastern Canada and Mr. McCarty was one of the men chosen. They will work this week through New York state and next week take up the work in Canada.
(Illegible) his business Saturday and Monday morning sent in his resignation. Mr. Maple gave as his reasons. First — That although he had twice asked for them, the township advisory board had refused to furnish him statute books or Indiana acts. For what reason he knew not unless they were financially unable to do so. Second — That after the voters of Gosport had elected a marshal whom they were reasonably sure would do his straight duty under all circumstances the town board, figuratively speaking, cut his throat and under the arrangements now in force he did not believe that a justice's court would be necessary.
There is a new mail carrier on Route No 2 out of the local post-office. The new man is Earl Smith, who graduated from Gosport high school three years ago and lives with his parents near Quincy. Smith's duties as carrier began Saturday at which time Dr. Arganbright's resignation took affect. Arganbright had been in the service since June I5, 1904. Smith gave up a country school in order to assume his new duties. Miss Lucile Allee, a local High school graduate with last year's class, taking his place.
The young men of the Epworth League entertained the young lady members with a watch party at the League rooms in the Methodist church Saturday night. Games and appropriate contests were enjoyed. Jerry Stines and Miss Hattie Wampler were prize winners in the contests. A three course luncheon was served and at midnight the merrymakers polled the bell cord and tolled out the news of the birth of the New Year.
It is said that farmers and stock men who bought feeding cattle early in the fall are now sorry, as they could now buy at about 50 cents less on the hundred. Late planting last spring and early frosts greatly damaged the corn crops in Iowa, northern Illinois and Wisconsin and that territory, instead of being a buyer, has been obliged to become a seller of cattle, thereby increasing the supply and reducing the demand. However these same conditions ought to produce high priced cattle when grass comes next spring. Farmers who do not have winter feed will be on the market buying cattle for grass. Dairy cows are the exception in price, being at the top.
A plan of the postoffice department to cut the salaries of rural carriers who do not consume eight hours every day in their rounds, is causing much adverse discussion by members of congress, who say that the department's activities in reorganizing the rural service are a prolific cause of trouble for the lawmakers. The proposed reduction would effect 543 carriers in Indiana. The new plan which is heralded as a money saving proposition, was sprung by James I. Blackslee, the fourth assistant postmaster-general, when he appeared before the house postoffice committee just before the holiday adjournment.
25 AND 65
At twenty, sixty-five seems eons away, but it may be interesting to younger readers to know just where they will be, financially, at that age. The following statistics compiled by a big life insurance company after a vast investigation for their own information, are correct: Out of 100 average healthy men at twenty five, at sixty-five, 36 will be dead, 1 will be rich, 4 will be wealthy, 5 will still be supporting themselves by work. 4 will he dependent upon friends, relatives or charity.
Lately certain men and boys have been entering and loafing in the Christian church. This is a warning that hereafter any person found in the basement of the church without first gaining permission will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Board of Deacons, Christian Church
Was Made Roadmaster of Monon Division
Chas. E. Wampler, the Monon section foreman, who has been in charge of the "floating" gang the past several weeks, was called to Lafayette Tuesday and made roadmaster of the middle division of the Monon. This division is from Bloomington to Lafayette, including the Lafayette yards. Mr. Wampler has been an employee of the Monon for 28 years and known as cne of the best road men in its employ. His promotion comes not as a favor or through "pull," but as the reward of ability and his long and satisfactory service.
A regrettable feature of Mr. Wampler's promotion is the fact that he will he obliged to move his family to Lafayette.
Dore Dittemore was appointed to fill the vacancy made here by Mr. Wampler's promotion.
General Insurnace (sic) and Notary Public
Bonds furnished for administrators, guardians, etc.
MAYOR JAMES M. HOUSE, of Vincennes is presented by the Republicans of Knox County to the Republicans of the Second Congressional District for the Congressional nomination. Mayor House is a life long Republican, always tre (sic) to the principles of the party and faithful in service. He is a good business man and a successful lawyer. He is a hard working official and faithful to the obligations of his trust. He is a doer of things and as Mayor of the City of Vincennes he has accomplished much. Within two year he has made of Vincennes a new city. His ability, energy and thoroughness is assurance that your interests in Congress will be cared for. His nomination will insure Republicans success in our District.
Obituary (Meek)
Jane Maze Meek, daughter of Thos. and Mary Maze, was born Jan. 29, 1836 and departed this life Oct. 24, 1917, aged 81 years, 8 months, and 25 days.
She was married to Warren E. Meek April 2, 1857. To this union were born 8 children, six boys, John W., Thomas J., Jeptha H., Lorenzo D., James S., and two daughters, Lavina and Mary. During the 60 years of married life spent in toiling together to raise the family, the death angel came but once, and that to take little Jeptha, aged 4 years.
April 30, 1893 she united with the Cataract Baptist Church under the pastorate of Rev. Clark, and remained a faithful and devoted member until the last.
Her sickness was of short duration but great suffering. She prayed the Good Lord to take her for she was ready to go.
The real charm of her life was the devotion to her family as wife and mother. She filled (illegible) her loss an aged companion, sons, two daughters, 20 grandchildren, three great grandchildren and many near relatives and friends.
Each of us have not or held in loving remembrance a glorious mother. Success and happiness do not come as a reward of ingratitude, disrespect and lack of affection for mother. THe same old-fashioned, sweet motherlove must ever be the foundation for permanent, ideal home life.
Funeral services were conducted at the home, Rev. O. F. Kaylor officiating. Interment in the Cataract cemetery.
Woman Dies Suddenly
Mrs. Burah Wells, 23 years old, wife of W. C. Wells, died at 1:30 a. m. Thursday after an illness of only about 12 hours. The cause of death is given as paralysis of the heart. Her maiden name was Bowen and her mother is now Mrs. Dan Burkett. Burah was married two years ago to Mr. Wells, and leaves the husband and an 8-month old daughter and her mother. Mr. Wells is a Western Union lineman and was in Marion, O. when his wife became ill Wednesday. Her mother, Mrs. Burkett, had only returned last week from Florida, where she spent the winter.
Mrs. Wells was a member of the Christian church and funeral services, held at the home Friday afternoon, were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Davison. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.
Henry Lutz dead
Henry Lutz, about 83 years old, for 59 years a resident of Jennings township, died Wednesday morning at his home in Cataract after an illness of two months of heart trouble and complications. He is survived by the wife, four sons, and two daughters. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon and interment was made at the Buckskin cemetery.
List of Teachers
Instructors in Spencer Schools All Chosen
The list of teachers for the Spencer schools is now complete. Several new ones have been added to the list as published last week and we give below the complete list of employees of the local school board:
- Willis Holiman, Spencer, Superintendent--History and Civics.
- Alice Milligan, Spencer - Acting Principal, Latin and Algebra.
- Florence Edwards, Oakland City, Ind. - English.
- Ruth Kestler, Elwood, Ind. - History and Geometry.
- Ione Cassady, Spencer - Physics end Latin.
- Carrol St. John, Albany, Ind. - Domestic Science and Physiology.
- Gladys B. Detherage, Edinburg, Ind - Music and Drawing.
- Wilhelmina Shively, Spencer - Principal Junior High School.
- Metta Mason, Lyons, Ind - Penmanship and Agriculture.
- Mildred Mason, Lyons, Ind. - Botany and Grade Work.
- Mrs. C. P. Hickam, Spencer - Principal Grade Building.
- Ruth Miller, Spencer - Fifth Grade
- Enola Rentschler, Spencer - Fourth Grade
- Bernice Martin, Jordan - Third Grade.
- Dova Mitchell, Spencer - Second Grade.
- Mary Louise Milligan, Spencer - Second and Third Grade.
- Jessie Mead, Spencer - First Grade.
- Gretchen Lawson, Spencer - Office and Commercial Work.
- Ruby Wilson, Spencer - Colored School.
- Minter Chambers, Spencer - Janitor High School Building.
- James Baugh, Spencer - Janitor Grade Building.
- Pleasant Evans, Spencer - Janitor Colored School Building.
Steps Taken by Authorities to End Epedimic (sic) of Influenza
Spencer and Owen county schools, churches and places of amusement have been ordered closed and a ban has been placed on all public gatherings by the government.
The order was received in telegrams by Dr. C. F. Pectol, County Health Officer, and Dr. J. V. Stevens, City Health Officer, from Dr. J. N. Hurty, secretary of the State Board of Health, Monday morning. The order will be in effect for an indefinite period.
Dr. Pectol said that the step had been taken as a preventative measure against an epidemic of influenza in the county such as had marked many cities in the east, and in view of the fact that Surgeon General Blue recommended such action wherever an epidemic loomed. The order received by Dr. Pectol follows:
"You are hereby ordered to close all schools, churches, and places of amusement and forbid all public meetings in your county until further notice on account of epidemic of influenza. Request your physicians to report all cases of epidemic influenza to health officers and health officers in your county to state board of health. Convey this order promptly, to all health officers in your county by order of state board of health."
The order, it is understood, has been sent to practically every state in the union and the quarantine measure will continue until the influenza epidemic has been effectually checked throughout the country. While factories, business houses and all concerns where a number of persons are employed are not included in the present order, it is urged that employers take every precaution to guard against the epidemic.
The schools of Spencer and the county closed as soon as the order was transmitted to the school authorities.
The following precautionary rules for the avoidance and lessening of the intensity of the epidemic of influenza, have been prepared by Dr. Wm. F. Lincoln advisor of the Lake Division American Red Cross, for distribution throughout the entire Lake Division territory, consisting of the states of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.
Here are the rules:
- All colds, however slight, should be treated as possible attacks of influenza. Patients, affected by colds should stay at home and sterilize discharge from the nose and throat.
- Avoid feeling or spreading of the disease.
- Avoid crowds.
- Regulate bodily functions and keep them so.
- Avoid the breath or expelled secretions from people suffering from, colds.
- Wash out the nose and throat two or three times daily by a nasal spray or douche and by gargle with a "normal salt solution" (1/2 teaspoonful salt to one glass (8 ounces) clean water.)
- All those in attendance on patients with influenza should wear masks.
- Clothing should be warm and dry. Food simple and easily digested. Dring (sic) water freely.
Mrs. Charles M. Swarthout passed away at her home in Indianapolis Tuesday morning about three o'clock after an illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Swarthout was formerly Miss Kate Mullinix, and a sister of Mrs. Arnet Rawlings of this city. She is survived by her husband and two children.
Mrs. Swarthout had many friends in Spencer who were grieved to learn of her death and extend sympathy to the relatives.
The remains will be brought to Spencer Thursday for the funeral and interment.
Nine More Boys Leave Tuesday.
Nine more Owen county men will leave for U. S. Army Training schools next Tuesday. Four will go to Interlaken school at Rolling Prairie, Ind., for training in motor transport service and five will go to the Chamber of Commerce at Warsaw, Ind., to receive training as truck drivers. The local board has not yet selected the men for the service.
Mrs. Walter Ellis
Mrs. Walter Ellis passed away at Tuscon, Arizona, and her husband will arrive here Friday with the remains. Brief services will be held at Riverside cemetery where interment will take place. Mr. Ellis is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ellis, former residents of Spencer.
Mrs. F. E. Drescher will have charge of the funeral.
Foster Oliphant
Foster Oliphant, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Oliphant of Freedom, died at Camp Taylor, Ky., Sunday of measles.
Frel Close
Frel, twenty-one-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Close in Morgan township, died Saturday after several weeks' intense suffering from poison. The little fellow drank water from a can that had contained concentrated lye and after great suffering succumed (sic) to the poison. Funeral services were held at Vandalia Sunday.
Adrin Ogle
Adrian Ogle died at his home at Quincy Friday of pneumonia that developed from Spanish influenza. Funeral services were held at Quincy Sunday and interment was in Riverside cemetery at Spencer. Deceased is survived by his wife and two daughters.
Obituary (Lautenschlager)
William Jeremiah Lautenschlager was born at Steubenville, Marion township, Indiana, July 31, 1895, and died at Cap McClellan, Ala., Oct. 21, 1918, aged 23 years, two months and 20 days. He was the only son of Jacob S. and Mary Ellen nee Baumgartner, Lautenschlager. He was given in holy baptism to his Lord on Sept. 15, 1895, Rev. H. L. Ridenour officiating. On June 13, 1909, he renewed this vow in the rite of confirmation under the pastorate of Rev. H. Specht. To this confession he lived a consistent life unto the end, as all will testify who knew him.
His mother gave her life for his dying at his birth. In turn he gave his life in the service of his country he loved, having been in the training camp only three months to the day. He leaves a father and a step-mother, whom he dearly loved as his letters from the camp to them will testify. Besides these, he leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn.
He was earnest and conscientious in all things, especially in attendance at worship in the house of the Lord. The words of the Psalmist truely apply to him: "One thing have I desired of the Lord, That will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple." Ps. 27, 4.
A Mr. Carpenter of Clay township, Owen county, was the escort that brought the body home. The funeral was conducted by his pastor, O. V. Poorman.
Over just beyond the hill-tops.
Where the sun sinks in the west.
Is a land of untold brightness.
Where the weary soul can rest.
Just above the dark clouds o'er us,
Where the stars shine all the night.
Is a home where love's bright angel
Never wearies with the light.
Just beyond life's flowing river,
Over on the other shore,
Many loved ones wait to greet us.
When our journey here is o'er.
Just beyond the morning's sunbeams,
Over there across the way,
Is a world of wondrous beauty,
Where is one eternal day.
Obituary (Patrick)
Margaret Elizabeth, oldest daughter of Albert J. and Sara Ann Treadway, was born at Cuba, Ind., Dec. 4, 1861.
While a young woman, she with her parents, two brothers and one sister, moved to Spencer.
She was married to Howe Patrick September 15, 1885. To this union were born three children, Hazel, now Mrs. Otis Kinney, of Spencer, Dudley, whom Jesus took into Heaven while a dear innocent babe of eighteen months, and Faye Patrick, of Indianapolis.
While a young girl, "Lizzie" was converted, uniting with the Baptist church and as long as circumstances permitted she was a regular attendant at Sunday school and church.
For many years Mrs. Patrick has been a constant sufferer, but she was the uncomplaining kind, not wanting her afflictions to effect the lives of her friends and family.
Her devotion to her family and home was one of her strong characteristics, no sacrifice was too great, no burden too heavy to be borne for her loved ones.
To us who knew "Lizzie" well, her character was beautiful, being entirely void of any desire to attract attention, she, in her quiet unpretentious manner impressed us all with her genuine worth. She fell asleep Nov. 5, 1918, leaving a husband, three grandchildren, an aged mother, one brother, one sister and many relatives and friends to mourn her departure.
"We sit at the lower feast today
She at the higher
Our voices falter as we bend to pray
In the great choir
Of happy saints she sings,
And does not tire."
Spencer Items
- Gray Vandeventer went to Indianapolis Monday.
- Miss Anna Weymouth spent Monday in Indianapolis.
- Noah Pickens was at Indianapolis on business Monday.
- A. Shelbourn, of Freedom, was here on business Monday.
- John Forrest returned last Thursday from Norfolk, Va.
- Miss Jessie Lawson, of Romona, visited Mrs. R. L. Beem Friday.
- Charley Henson, of Morgan township was a Democrat caller Monday.
- Mrs. Charles Arthur, of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting Ralph Gray and family.
- J. E. Cassida, of Morgan township, was a Democrat caller last Thursday.
- Mrs. M. M. Trester of Montgomery township was a caller at this office Friday.
- J. W. McHenry and family, of Washington township were Democrat callers Saturday.
- It is reported that there are about fifty new cases of influenza in Spencer this week.
- Alfred Huffman, Democratic trustee elect of Jennings Tp., was a business caller Saturday.
- H. A. Fulk, trustee of Marion township, was a business caller at the Democrat office Saturday.
- Mrs. Elizabeth T. White left Saturday to spend the winter with relatives at Morristown, Ohio.
- O. S. Hawkins and family left last week for Lexington, Ky., where they will make their home.
- Burt Gross and sons, Arthur and Herschel, of Cataract, were Spencer visitors last Thursday.
- Wes Vandeventer and wife of near Freedom spent Monday with W. W. Vandeventer and wife.
- Everything is comparative. Three pounds of sugar per person per month seems like luxury now.
- Robert T Davis, recorder-elect, and wife of Quincy were here Monday looking for a residence.
- I wish to thank my many friends for their loyal support given me in the election. - W. K. Proctor.
- Noah Pickens left Tuesday for Indianapolis where he will be employed by the Bedford Stone Company.
- Miss Elma Trester, of Montgomery township, went to Indianapolis Sunday where she will be employed.
- The war has trained the Germans to be splendid athletes. They will always be particularly good in running.
- W. F. Cassady, wife and daughter, Ioan and Ed Cassady and wife Sundayed with W. H. Beem and wife at their country home.
- R. S. Matthews and family motored to Jasonville and visited relatives Sunday. Miss Pearl Collins accompanied them home for a visit.
- "Made in Germany" - war, ruin, desolation, cruelty, bestiality. We thank you, after this we want nothing more with the "made in Germany" label.
- I wish to thank my friends of both parties for the very gratifying vote given me at the last election. I assure you I appreciate it. - Very respectfully, J. R. Greene.
- Miss Glenna Jackson, a teacher in Jasonville school, and Miss Thelma Shelburn, a teacher in Worthington school, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gray Vandeventer Sunday.
- George G. Knoy, trustee of Taylor township, wife and sons. Harold, Morris and Eugene, were here Saturday and Mr. Knoy transacted business at the Democrat office.
- Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sherrill, Mrs. Samuel Gorham and Mrs. Hartsaw, of Cloverdale, were here Tuesday to attend the celebration and Mr. Sherrill made a splendid address.
- Look at the date on your paper opposite your name. We are sending out statements, and if you do not want to get one either call or send your money. The government says you must pay in advance.
- Mrs. O. F. Gray, Mrs. R. A. Plunkett and Miss Myrtle Griffin motored to Bloomington Saturday to meet Enoch Gray, of the U. S. Department of Justice, who has had headquarters at Louisville and has been transferred to Chicago. He spent Sunday here before leaving for Chicago.
- Theo C. Keene has been very ill several weeks.
- Harry and Fletcher Williams of Farmers were here Saturday.
- Robert Morrow is very ill at his home on W. Jefferson street.
- George Anton of Freedom was here Tuesday and called at this office.
- John White, Democratic trustee-elect of Lafayette townthip, was here on business Monday.
- O. A. Cassady has received word from his son, Ralph, of the U. S. M. C., who has been stationed at Paris Island, S. C., that he had left for overseas.
- Mr. and Mrs. B. Jacobs and Mrs. Mary E. White left Wednesday to spend the winter at St. Petersburg, Fla.
Death of Robert Morrow
After being ill for some time Uncle Bob Morrow passed away at his home in Spencer last Thursday. The funeral was held Sunday being conducted by Rev. M. V. Foster after which interment was in Riverside cemetery. The following obituary was read at the services:
Robert Morrow was born in Madison, Ind., January 22, 1839, and died in Spencer, Ind., December 5, 1918 aged seventy-nine years, ten months and thirteen days.
He was married to Sarah Duffy October 11, 1866, and on April 9, 1871, was married to Margaret Naanes who died April 14. 1909. A son, Carl, died April 14, 1909.
Two daughters survive, Mrs. Vada Cline, of Bloomington, and Mrs. Carrie McCaslin, of Spencer, with whom he made his home during late years.
Brother Morrow was a member of the Baptist church in Spencer having united with that church thirty-five years ago during the pastorate of Rev. Clevenger.
Brother Morrow had an enviable record as a soldier in the Civil War. He enlisted as a member of Co. 4, 23rd Regt., Indiana Volunteer Inft., in 1861 and was honorably mustered out in 1863. He was a member of the G. A. R. and the I. 0. 0. F.
He died ripe in years and experience having lived a useful and honorable life. He is remembered with respect by all who knew him and by affection by those who were in his list of friends. He was especially fond of children.
Death of Guy J. Putoff
Guy J. Putoff, son of Wilford and Rosa Putoff, was born Oct. 4, 1896, age 22 years, one month and 26 days. Guy left home the fourth of September for Camp Taylor, Kentucky, to become a part of the U.S. army and was in training there until his death, Nov. 30. He was kind hearted, beloved friend by those who knew him. He leaves a father, mother and three brothers, Frank Putoff of Coal City, William of Clay City and Herschel who is yet at home, one sister who preceded him in death. Our loss is his gain.
A short funeral service was held at the house by Rev. B. S. McNeely, pastor of the Beech U.B. church and burial at that place.
Word was received in Spencer that Leslie Nichols died in Denver, Colo., Friday and that the remains are now on their way here where the funeral will be held at Hudson Hill. Nichols is survived by his wife and one child. The remains an expected here Wednesday or Thursday.
Rodenbeck accident
R. A. Rodenbeck, who lives nonh of Spencer, was here Monday, and before starting home left his horse standing in front of the Moffett hitch-in barn when the horse became frightened at a machine and ran up Main street. The buggy was overturned, one wheel broken and otherwise damaged before the horse was stopped.
Tow accident
Samuel Tow, janitor at the court house, while in Indianapolis was thrown from a street car Friday night at Boulevard Place and Twenty-first street. Mr. Tow had attempted to alight from the car when the accident occurred. He was thrown to the ground and his face badly bruised, but was able to return to Spencer.
Decorated for Bravery.
Corporal Andrew Taylor Castlen, son of Charles Castlen, a former resident of Spencer but now of St. Louis, has received the highest honor that has come to an American soldier during the world war, having been awarded the French Decoration of the Legion of Honor for bravery.
Corporal Castlen has two brothers who hold commissions, Major Charles R. Castlen of the Surgeon Generals office, Washington, D. C.. and Lieut. Harry W. Castlen of a regiment in France.
Wallace Sumner, about 23 years old, son of George Sumner, died at Akron, Col., of influenza-pneumonia Sunday afternoon. The remains were brought here for burial. He is a nephew of Mrs. Joseph C. Clark of this city.
Democrat Band Wagon
The following have reserved seats on the Democrat Band Wagon:
- Daniel Stahl, Terre Haute.
- H. A. Fulk. Patricksburg
- S. D. Roudebush, Freedom.
- W. R. Dyer, Redmon, Ill.
- Frank Jamison. Chicago, Ill.
- George Need, Bruceville.
- Dr. W. C. Archer, Gary.
- Dr. B. T. Fisher, Martinsville.
- F. M. Holland. Jewett, Ohio.
- John Rawley, Chatham. Ill.
- Mrs. Frances A. Defore, Lovington, Ill.
- Mrs. D. E. Wright. Edmond. Kans.
- Henson Rumple, Cloverdale.
- Homer E. Hyden, Spencer.
- C. A. Coffey, Petersburg.
- M. E. Gaston, Pittsboro.
- H. A. Sherrill, Cloverdale.
- J. I. Hoffman, Indianapolis
- H. L. McGinnis, Martinsville
Boys in France Write From Overthere to Folk Overhere
Somewhere In France, Oct 23, 1918.
Dear Mother: - will now write you to let you know I am in pretty good shape although I am in the hospital at the present time, am not very sick. I will goon be going back to my company. I am sick on drinking water in advanced territory not far from Verdun where we had a hard fight along the 1st of this month. I have written three letters since I have been here as I have lots of time to write. This is the first time that I have been far enough from the front that I could not hear the guns for almost a year. I have been through several hard battles but I must be lucky for I never got hit yet. We are having nice weather here and not much rain. This time last year we had snow. Tell the boys and sister, Goldie, to write. Well I guess this is all for this time. Goodbye
From your loving son,
Gosport Woman Dies
Mrs. Victoria McCarty, 64 years old, widow of William McCarty, died Tuesday afternoon of last week of influenza-pneumonia at her home north of Gosport after an illness of about four weeks. She is survived by six sones, Leslie of North Dakota, Curtis and Tinsley of Jasonville, W. C. of Spencer, Woody and Elijah of Gosport, and three daughters, Mrs. Ethel Kilburn and Edna Summers of Indianapolis and Malissa at home. The husband and two children preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held at the home Thursday morning and at the Baptist church in Quincy and interment was made in the Combs cemetery.
Obituary (Knipe)
Bertha J., second child of John and Mary Knipe, was born near Paoli, Orange county, July 16, 1897, and came with her parents to Owen county when she was about 7 years of age, where she has since lived.
She was married to Vernon Steele Oct. 12, 1913; to this happy union one son was born, Roe Borden, May 18, 1915. She accepted her savior during Brother Gray's meetings and became of member of the Presbyterian church at Bethany in 1915. She was a member of the Ladies Aid Society and was always ready and willing to do her part.
Bertha had an exceptionally sweet, sympathetic disposition, a blessing and comfort to her husband's parents, an inspiration to her young husband, and a kind loving neighbor.
Two weeks ago this happy family was stricken with the dreaded influenza. With Bertha, it was almost hopeless from the first, and every thing that human hands could do was of no avail. On the night of the 22nd her spirit went home. 'Twas then that a messenger from God came silently below, and bore her spirit away. Oft from our heart comes the bitter cry, "Why, Oh why, did our darling die." Then comes the thot (sic) so solemn and deep, She is not dead, Only asleep. God was her ransom, her guardian, her guide. Death has no sting since the Saviour hath died.
She leaves to mourn their loss the husband, little son Roe-Borden, and a host of relatives and friends. She will be missed by the ones who loved her so dearly; but our loss is Heaven's gain. N.L.
Pioneer Woman Dies
Mrs. Sarah Peden, A Native Of This County, Succumbs To Heart Disease Foned (sic) In Yard
Mrs. Sarah (Beem) Peden, almost 77 years old, widow of Thomas A. Peden, died Monday morning of heart trouble after only a few minutes' illness. She had gone into the yard to hang some wash cloths on a clothers line when she fell. Just how log she lay helpless is not known. She was found by Fred Drescher who, in passing, heard her moaning. She was carried into the house and dies in about ten minutes, conscious to the last. She talked with her physician and others about her and stated that her heart had stopped, causing her to fall.
Mrs. Peden was a daughter of Levi and Sarah (Johnson) Beem and was born in this county in 1843. She was married Sept. 29, 1863, to Thomas A. Peden. He died Aug. 14, 1912. Mrs. Peden is survived by three sonds, Jesse P., Walter B., and Howard Peden; two brothers, David E. and Daniel Beem, and four sisters, Mrs. Samuel Steele, of Romona, Mrs. S. D. Richards of Patricksburg, Mrs. Julia Morgan and Mr. W. S. Mead, both of Spencer. None of her sons were in town at the time of her death; Jesse was at Martinsville and Walter and Howard at the farm.
Funeral services are to be help at 10 a.m. today (Wednesday) at the house, Rev. Larmore of the M. E. church officiating. Interment will be ade in Riverside cemetery.
Mrs. Samuel Pickens Dead
Mrs. Virginia F. Pickens, 67 years old, wife of Samuel O. Pickens, died Wednesday evening about 6 o'clock at her home, 1901 North Pennsylvania street, Indianapolis after a brief illness of influenza of a severe character. Mrs. Pickens was born in Spencer in 1851 and was a daughter of Judge William M. Franklin, and a sister of Mrs. N. D. Cox. In 1872 she was married to Samuel O. Pickens, an attorney, and for many years past they have made their home in Indianapolis.
Mrs. Pickens has long been a member of the First Baptist church and was active in all church work. She is survived by the husband and four chldren, Rush F. Pickens, Mrs. H. C. Adams, Owen Pickens, and Mrs. Margeurite Gregory, all of Indianapolis. The two sons are members of the law firm with which their father is associated.
News From Soldier Sons
Elmer Spear of Worthington, who was here Saturday, stated that he had recently received word from his two sons. Bruce and Paul, in overseas service. Paul is in the Rainbow division and is stationed near Coblenz in the army of occupation. Bruce is in the 37th Ohio guards and was at port ready to sail as soon as orders were received. He was in the fighting for six months and his division was shelling Metz when the armistice was signed. Both boys are well and hearty and so far as their parents know have gone through uninjured.
Soldiers Return
William and Alvin Dayhoff, sons of Joe Dayhoff, and Earl Miller, all of Patricksburg neighborhood, returned home Saturday from the service. They were members of the 41st (Sunset) division and have been together (illegible) since they left Owen County. (illegible) They were over seas six months.
Owen County Lad, On Duty At Coblenz Sends Fine Letter To His Parents.
Corporal Harley Shouse of Jefferson township, now at Coblenz Germany, part of that new Watch on the Rhine, sends an interesting letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shouse, which we are privileged to publish. When Shouse left here he said he was going to sit flat down on the kaiser. He came near doing it : he tells here how he sat on the kaiser's grandfather. Everybody who knew young Shouse said he would be the "cut-up" of the bunch and at home anywhere. He is making the most of his opportunities while in the army and is having a good time.
Lieut. Dan Mcintosh of Worthington, well known here, underwent an operation for appendicitis in a Liverpool hospital one day last week and his mother was notified by cable. His condition was not given in the message.
Bert Baugh of Indianapolis visited his brother, Man Baugh and family Saturday.
Virgil, the 4 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Troth, died of flu Saturday night at their home in Patricksburg, and was buried Monday in the Lutheran cemetery. The child was a grandson of John Knox.
Mrs. Willis Hickam was in Indianapolis Saturday.
C. F. Allison, who has spent several weeks at Daytona Beach, Fla., returned home Thursday. He appears much benefitted by his vacation and reports an enjoyable time.
Mrs. Barbara Spear, who has spent the past several weeks with friends at Jordan, was here for the week end with Mrs. Kate Martin.
Mrs. Fanny Weatherwax of Bloomington came Saturday afternoon intending to visit her father, W. H. Penrod, in Patricksburg but the creeks had risen so rapidly she had to forego the visit. She returned to Bloomington Sunday morning where she is engaged in schoolwork. While here she was a guest of Mrs. Neely Beem.
Mrs. Chas. Franklin, who kept the hotel at Patricksburg, has moved with her family to Martinsville for future residence.
I. J. Sears and wife are spending a few days with relatives at Indianapolis and Anderson.
Miss Edna Andrews and Mrs. E. A. Fiddler and son Teddy have gone to West Baden for a few weeks. Miss Andrew is drinking the mineral water for health.
Revival services will begin at the Patricksburg M. E. church Sunday evening. April 27th. Rev. Orlane Lane of Lyons, Ind., will be the evangelist if nothing unforseen happens.
The minute-men will have charge of the Sunday morning services, April 27th at the Mt. Zion M. E. church in Patricksburg charge.
Mrs. Fred Blair, who has been seriously ill, has recovered and is able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rentschler have moved to Jasonville for future residence. We regret very much to lose them from our midst, but wish them well in their new home.
Miss Rose Rentschler who had recovered somewhat from her recent illness, suffered a relapse, but is some better at present.
Easter was fully commorated (sic) and observed at the M. E. church. Beginning with a sunrise prayer meeting with some thirty-three or five present, the Sunday school program with Misses Chloe Chambers and Ruth Bayh in charge, followed by the morning worship. were services of inspiration to those present. The Epworth League had a splendid program, at which service four little girls gave a vocal number which was fine. Miss Chloe Chambers gave a fine talk which suited the occasion most admirably. The evening service was in charge of the minute men; Fred Bayh, chairman. The following men spoke on the different phases of the Centenary : O. E. Dunn, Dr. J. V. Stevens, Lyman Heavenridge , all from Spencer; Mart Baumgartner. L. E. York, Mr. Sanders of Worthington ; Howard Woodburn of Bowling Green, Chas. Jones from Mt. Zion neighborhood; and C. F. Lomatch, Robert Biddle, Capt. Renos Richards and Major Birch Bayh of Patricksburg . The church was packed to overflowing and the intense earnestness of the speakers expressed the way in which they regard the Centenary movement. As forty-one people have already signed the tithe cards, we feel sure that Patricksburg charge will not be "found wanting in this movement. The prayer meetings are well attended at Patricksburg. The young folks especially are always found on the job - 55 was the attendance last Thursday evening. It is from these young folks we hope to get our future Christian workers. Mothers, fathers, encourage your children. Give them your whole-hearted support.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penrod of Bloomington are visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rentschler spent Easter with home folks.
Mrs. Fred Farris and niece spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kaiser.
William Schmalz of Indianapolis spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmalz.
Kenneth Wark, anothe r one of our local boys who ha s been doing his bit overseas with the 135th Field Artillery, and who has been in the midst of some of the severest fighting, spent Wednesday with relatives here. He was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Seth Beem of Indianapolis.
Major Birch Bayh of the Indiana State Normal spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bayh.
Paul Blair and wife of Indianapolis spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Blair.
Miss Edna Andrew and Mrs. Earl Fiddler and son Teddy are spending several weeks at West Baden.
Clifton Schmalz, who has been at Camp Taylor for several months, returned home Saturday.
The bike sale held by the Lutheran ladies was well attended.
A number of the young people gave a farewell party in honor of Miss Nellie Franklin who is moving to Martinsville. The evening was spent in playing game and a course of light refreshments was served.
Quite a number of boys and girls took the eighth grade examination here Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Maegerlein of Clay City spent Easter with relatives.
Several changes have taken place in the business firms in the past week. M. B. Lucas and Robert Biddle have taken over the Roy H. Schmalz store and Mr. Schmalz has taken over the garage formerly owned by Mr. Lucas. We wish success to all concerned.
The Methodist church held a centenary meeting Sunday night at which minute men from Bowling Green, Worthington and Spencer gave talks. It was well attended and much interest was shown.
Ross Duling's family spent Sunday with Walter Lights.
Shelvy Ooley's family and Ivan Ooley and wife motored to Greencastle Sunday.
M. H. Allen and family, Byrd Stutz and family, Henry Rednor and family, Ray Haltom and family, John Strouse and Florence Stutz took dinner with G. W. Stutz and wife Easter, it being his 71st birthday.
Mrs. Grace Stutz and children visited her parents Easter.
Florence Rickett came up fro m Worthington Sunday evening to see her parents.
Floyd Rickett is sporting a new buggy.
Evern Burkett came Saturday from Bloomington to visit her sister, Mrs. Ross Duling.
Real Estate Transfers 4
Reported by Owen County Abstract Co., Herbert A. Rundell, Mgr.
Samuel Parrish to James F. Van Voorhees, in Montgomery twp., 366.35 acres, $1 and exchange of property.
Lewis O. Brewer to Perry R. Brewer, in Washington twp., 1.25 acres, $2,000.
John C. Collenbaugh to Frank O. Defore, lots 5, 6 and 7 in Coal City, in Irvin Smith's 1st addition, $900.
Leon V. Sinclair to Elmer Moore in Taylor twp., 53 acres, $5,640.
Charles A. Jordan to Delia Jordan et al. in Morgan twp., 40 acres, $1 and partition.
Gettey Foster et al. to Elizabeth Cherry, Gosport, Wayne twp., $2,000.
Ralph D. Edwards to James Ooley, lot 43, Spencer, $2,700.
Henry S. McFarren to Frank McFarren, Taylor twp., 150 acres, $1 and love and affection.
Henry S. McFarren to Gloe Snodgrass, Harrison and Taylor twps., 160 acres, $1 and love and affection. •
Norm A. Byers et al. to Richard and Myrtle M. Baugh, Jefferson twp. 170 acres $10,000.
Delia Pape and Nora Pappe to Ed Willey, lot in Lancaster, $350.
Everett Pugh to Asbury C. Williams, Spencer lot 4, S500.
Phillip Scott to Charles E. Owen, Marion twp., 20 acres, $950.
Paris White to Manuel O. Corbin, in Marion twp., $1 and exchange.
Ethel Watson et al. to David W. Buskirk, Harrison twp., 35 acres, $1,225.
Jesse E. Jones, to David W. Buskirk, in Harrison twp., 35 acres, $122.50.
Sarrah A. Hochstetter, et al. to Sarah J. Collenbaugh, Coal City, lot 7, $500.
Belle Meek, et al. to Josiah G. Swain, Taylor twp., 57.6G acres, $2,800.
Elijah N. Dowdall to Daney Stevens, Spencer, lots 36 and 37 in Spencer Heights addition, $160.
Melville B. Comer, to Dickerson and Cutsinger, Jackson twp., 2 acres, $250.
Lorenzo D. Hickam to C. C. Bryant, Freedom, lot 141, $1OO.
Miss Irene Royer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Royer. of this city and Mathew J. Carpenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carpenter of Ellettsville were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents Wednesday evening. Rev. J. M. Larimore officiated.
The bride is popular with a large circle of friends. The groom recently returned from overseas where he was a member of the rainbow division. They will make their home in Bloomington where he is employed at the Johnson creamery.
Fire Causes $75,000 Damage to Business District of Gosport
Fire which started early Sunday in the J. O. Davis Bakery at Gosport, sixteen miles north of here, destroyed an entire business block of two-story brick buildings, entailing a loss of over $75,000. The building occupied by the bakery, the C. B. Criss drug store, the Beehive department store, the Dr. F. B. Stucky drug store, and the Masonic Hall were burned to the ground.
Only a few things were saved from any of the buildings and the greatest loss on stock is at the Beehive store which had recently been invoiced at 15,000. The buildings and stocks of goods were only partially covered by insurance.
The blaze started at 2:20 a.m. and it was 6 o'clock before it had burned itself out. The little town, which has a population of about 1,500, has two chemical fire- fighting machines, but these afforded little protection on account of the headway the blaze had made before the alarm was given, and on account of the high wind.
The destruction of the entire business district was threatened and it was only by the heroic work of almost the entire population that anything was saved. Plate glass windows in the buildings occupied by the bank and the Weekly Reporter on the opposite side of the street were melted by the intense heat.
The beehive store was owned by Lewis McNutt of Brazil, whose residence near his business building was also totally destroyed. The fire was the third to have had its origin from the bakery in the last three years.
Appeals were made to Bloomington, Martinsville, and Spencer to send their fire departments to the assistance of the town but it was found impossible to comply with the request as there is no waterworks system there.
Recent Weddings
John H. Phipps of Coalmont, Ind., and Miss Vicie Cassel, daughter of Hiram Cassel, were married Saturday in the Clerk's office by Rev. Pedicord.
Hubert Corns of Spencer, and Miss Pearl L. Bixler, daughter of Isaac Bixler, were married in the Clerk's office Feb. 25 by Rev. Pedicord.
License was issued Saturday to Roy F. Horn of Clay county and Catherine E. Steiner, daughter of George Steiner.
More Class History That Will Prove Interesting - All Living And All Making Good.
By Don C. Ellis.
The editor's iniative in class history takes root ten years later in the class of 1904. Our class prophecy was enacted, by members of the alumni at the banquet in honor of the clash, showing what the class would be 20 years hence . None, however, of the 16 burlesqued characters have proved true to the forecast. One in particular that I recall was Paris Pierson as a preacher in 1924. Imagine "Bill" in cap and gown in a pulpit. Nevertheless, as we really are, 16 years from graduation, our history is interesting. We are pretty well scattered over the U. S. A. and various occupations claim our attention.
In our Sophomore year, Mr. Mead, our English teacher, and a graduate of DePauw, having had some military training, organized a High School Cadet company. All our boys except Chavis were in uniform. Their training received in school did much to put Co. D, 1st I. N. G. on record their first year in camp as most of the class joined and became corporals and sergeants.
Mr. Mead left us for a year and the spirit of the organization went with him and never revived.
In athletics our class took an active part. Pierson starred at left half back three successive seasons, Williams full back and tackle, White and Ellis, guard and tackle, Bain at end on the football team. Basket ball aroused much enthusiasm and again '04 came to the front with Bain, Rice, Pierson and Ellis all playing a fast, aggressive game. In base ball, when there was enough spirit to organize a team, we played a few games. Lack of pitching material put baseball in an unpopular position, although the ability to perform on the diamond developed to a marked degree later. W. I. Early , when principal, organized a class of girls in Indian club drill. All of our girls joined and became quite adept in the drill, which was set to music. The first girls' basket ball team was organized in our Senior year and Elizabeth Johnson, captain, played center and Jessie Marley guard.
The class roll is as follows: Mary Allison, Ada Alverson, Duke Bain, Calvin Barker, Will Chavis (colored) Don Ellis, C. D. Greene , Elizabeth Johnson, Mae Kinney, Ruth Milligan, Grace May, Jessie Marley, Paris Pierson, Frank Rice, Mac Williams, Wigfall White: 16 in all, second largest class to graduate up to that time.
Our teachers during the last year were A. L. Whitmer, Supt., who later attended Chicago University and is now Supt. at Rochester, Ind. C. D. Mead, principal, later became an instructor in a state institution at Ft. Wayne then took a post grad course in Columbia University, became a Prof. of Science in the University of Cincinnati. He is now in Berkley, California as Prof. of Science in the State University, having attained the highest degree given in American Universities. Florence Richards, mathematics, a graduate of Northwestern, taught but the one year and married Judge J. W. Williams, then on the bench in Morgan-Owen circuit, and now lives in Martinsville.
We are all still living, though the death angel has entered the homes to claim the husbands of two of the girls. Mary Allison married Jesse Crow, a glass worker, and she is now employed at the Kahn Tailoring Co., Indianapolis. Grace May married Ross Willoughby; after his death she married Glen I. Fisher, a former Spencer man, now night patrolman in a large factory at Indianapolis. Paris Pierson, presiden t of the class, entere d Purdue ; afte r a yea r he change d to Wabas h and graduate d a s a Forester. He has been continuously engage d in lumberin g business, associsited in the business left by his father, J. L Pierson He serve d the governmen t durin g th e wa r in the Ordnance Dept., as a timber inspector. gun stock material coming under his supervision. H e is now assosiated with R E. Hollowell in the Eel River Luxbe r Co-, Spencer. Ada Alverson, shortly after graduation. worked in California until her mother's illness necessitated her return. Last December she com pleted a three years course at the Methodist Hospital and is now a registered nurseRuth Milligan graduated at Western, taught Latin and English at Coshocton, 0. , several years; was connected with the Aircraft Service at Washington during the war and is now in Beloit. Wise., doing YWCA work. Mae Kinney taught for a while in the Owen countv schools, graduated from Lewis Institute, taught Domestic Economy at Streator. 111., and is now the wife of C. A. Porter, a business man of Joliet, III. Will Chavis worked at various places, finally takin^i Civil Service exam and is now a city mail carrier in Indianapolis. Wiiifall White had a year at Pur - due in Electrical Engineering, but on account of bad health went to Wa.shinu'ton and embarked in fruit growing; lie now lives on a ranch at Ontario, IdahoCalvin Barker had a year at I.U-, then took up farming and stock raising with his father. Last \ca r he bnucht a farm in Monroe county, where he now lives. Frank Rice taught in Owen countv a year or so, took a Chentiistry course at I. U-, gaining his A.B- degree; later attended Cornell, gaining his Ph I") and is now Ass't Prof, ot Chemistry at Cornell. Claude Greene graduated from I. U. School of Medicine took post fra d work in New Yor k Hospital; enlisted in the Medical Corps when the war broke out and was in Camp Hospital service in France, ranking Captain. Is now in U. S. Public Health Service at Cincinnati. Duke Bain entered Indiana Law School at Indianapolis and is now a very successful attorney, practicing in the office of Pickens, Cox & Cofider. Mac Williams graduated from Purdue as an Electrical Engineer, immediately beginning work with the Indianapolis Light & Heat CoProving his worth and by close attention to business he is still there at a greatly advanced salary. Jessie Marley was the first to wed, marrying John S. Loy, a former Spencer man, then employed in one of Chicago's great railway terminals. They later lived on a farm near Spencer; they recently sold it and returned to Chicago. Elizabeth Johnson taught in Owen county schools, took teachers'training at I U-; taught four years in the Anderson schools. She is now the wife of Boyd Williams, a progressive and prosperous farmer and stockman near FarmersDon Ellis accepted a position as engineering apprentice on the Illinois Central and located at Freeport, 111, Wa s there two years but desiring a job more strenuous became a locomotive fireman on the I. & V. After eight years service as fireman and brakeman on the I. & V., Big Four and Monon, with several years of farming intermingled, he has finally bought a farm near Spencer and "settled down in order to settle up. " Our motto was: '"Find a way, or make one. " I know of none better to follow for I feel that with most of us our way was not given us nor was it easy to find. With some it was made; —made from the rough in the hard, trying, exacting school of experience- So far as I am able I to learn we are all "making " our ,own bread; well, happy, prospero
Our pretty Riverside cemetery is fast gathering to its bosom our older and well-known citizens. Friday, June 9th, the body of Mr. Arnet Rawlings was brought home from Indianapolis to be laid to rest there.
Daniel Arnet Rawlings was born near Bloomington, Indiana, August 8, 1859, the son of Thomas and Emily Rawlings. He passed his childhood in the quiet home neighborhood, later going to Iowa. where as a clerk he assisted his uncle, Daniel Browning, in merchantile business. He came back to Spencer for his bride and on April 3, 1888, married Amy, eldest daughter of Dr. M. G. and Rebecca Allen Mullinix, prominent people of the town. Later returning to Spencer for a permanent home, Mr. Rawlings was long an employee in the old firm of Green & Egner, until his health demanded an out-door life. His three children were most tenderly loved by this devoted father. Mary, who died in infancy, and Maston with his twin sister, Marjory, now Mrs. C W. Swift, of Indianapolis. When Mrs. Rawlings in the first deadly influenza year, was called to care for her sister's motherless family, Mr. Rawlings preferred to remain in Spencer with his business and his old friends, to whom he was very loyal; but last March, failing decidedly in health. he yielded to the oft-repeated requests of his family to join them in Indianapolis. His last weeks, when he was slowly sinking under pernicious aenemia, were gladdened by the constant care and presence of his three best-loved ones, and his new delight, the little grandson, Bobby.
Mr. Rawlings united with the M. E. Church in Iowa, in his early youth, and held its faith in his heart thru-out his life. In his last suffering days he was eager to depart and would say to his wife, "I will not he here long. I hope Jesus will take me soon." And so he has slipped away, this quiet, patient, unassuming man, of whom no one who knew him, would say anything but kind words. We shall miss and not soon forget him.
The funeral services were held in the Christian Church; conducted by Rev. C. H. De Voe of Zionsville, a former pastor of the church in this city.
John Thomas Luck was born in Madison, Indiana, in 1842, the son of English parents, Jacob and Louise Luck, who first settled in Baltimore. He was the devoted brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan, and often came to Spencer, where he was a welcome visitor in the home of his favorite niece, Mrs. Stella Drescher.
He entered the struggle of the civil war at seventeen in company with his father. For many years afterward he was a photographer, traveling on the Ohio river. He ministered to his mother in her declining days with all the tenderness of a woman. His last years were spent at the soldiers home in Marion, Indiana, and in that at Hampden, Virginia. He had fine physical health and strength; a young, exuberant spirit, habits of industry and helpfulness, a kind and loving heart. We lay this sincere, sympathetic good man to rest beside his sister, Elizabeth, to sleep the years away, until the ressurrection (sic) morning breaks over this beautiful God's acre.
Tbe remains were brought here Sunday evening and brief services were conducted at Riverside cemetery by Rev. Lewis A. Kelly, pastor of the Presbyterian church.
Mr Miles Query and Mrs. Eliza Query, natives of Owen county, together with their relatives unto the third generation, celebrated their birthday at their home near Buckskin, Indiana, on July 1, 1922, Mr. Query being eighty years old, and Mrs. Query being sixty-nine years old. Mrs. Wm. Huber of Quincy, and Mrs. Isaac Lucas of Jordan, sisters of Mrs. Query, the only two living out of a family of 13.
Those present were, Harry Sackett and family of five, Julia A. Huber of Quincy, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller and Rube F. Miller of Jordan, Mrs. Emma Trefz of Indianapolis, Emory Kaiser and family of Patricksburg, Thomas, John and Kenneth Query, Roy Query and wife and three children, Ernest Query, wife and child, Robert D. Query and wife, Edward Query, Erza Query and family, Dennis Leohr and family, Fred Query and family. Caster Query and family, Henry Query and family, Pauline Sharp of Boston, Dorothy Ray and child, Bernard Limberton of Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Aurelius Smith and daughter of Indianapolis, and Charles McCammack, wife and three children.
A bountiful dinner was served from eleven 'til two, consisting of fried chicken, roast beef, salads of all kinds, beets, beans, pies, cakes and many other things. Mr. and Mrs. Query received many substantial presents, and after a pleasant evening the guests departed wishing them many more such happy birthdays.
Found Old Revolver
Saturday afternoon Sheriff McCarty received a hurry-up call to come to Quincy, and he expected some one had been held up or had fund a "mule stall", but when he arrived there he found that an old rusty revolver had been found near the place were (sic) Mills was killed about fifteen years ago.
The revolver was a .38, and probably the revolver that was used in killing Mills. It was very rusty and had no loads in it.
If this revolver had been found before the Mills trial it likely would have been a big factor in the trial.
Family Reunion
Thanksgiving Day at the home of John Baugh and wife, three miles east of Spencer, was made memorable by a family reunion and the guests did ample justice to the turkey dinner. The guests were James Baugh and wife of Spencer, Guy McCown, wife and two daughters, Jane and Julia, George Matson and Jack Baugh of Ellettsville, Roscoe Allen and Theresa Hawkins of Stinesville, Wayne Phillips and wife of Terre Haute.
Garage Burned
Fire of unknown origin destroyed the garage on the Mike Need farm 6 miles west of Spencer Wednesday evening and burned up a Chevrolet one ton truck. The fire was discovered about 6:30 p.m. and had gained such headway that it was impossible to save either the truck or the building. A nearby small barn was saved only by heroic work. The truck was comparatively new, having been bought last September. The loss was partly covered by insurance.
Buried at Ellettsville
Thursday, at Ellettsville, the body of Mrs. George N. Puett, about 80 years old, was laid to rest. She was the wife of Rev. George Puett, now 95 years old, for many years a Methodist minister in the Indiana conference. He has frequently preached here and he is brother of Mrs. Robt. McNaught. Mrs. Puett died at Warren, Ind., where the aged couple went two weeks before to spend their remaining days in the Methodist home for old people. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Field attended the funeral Thursday.
Carp / Freedom
Mr. Snyder and family spent Xmas with Chester Powell and family.
- Mrs. Hattie Hyden, Walter Crowe of Spencer and Ben Crowe of Bedford visited John Hill and family Tuesday - Anthony Minnick and Wm. Minnick of Terre Haute spent Xmas with Millard Minnick and family, and John and Dorothy Minnick accompanied them home to spend the holidays. - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown of Bloomington spent the holidays with Mrs. Dennison. Mrs. Herbert Brown called on Mrs. Millard Minnick Xmas. - Mrs. McMahan spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wisner of Cuba.
There is a lot of sickness here.
Game Warden Dixon of Bloomfield was here Saturday on business. N. G. Hickam and wife spent Sunday with Zack Light and family. Dr. J. Branham and son Harry are building a modern garage in the south part of town.
Mrs. Ivan Carpenter of Spencer spent Xmas with her parents, C. R. Johnson and wife. - Clayton Hudson has resigned as teacher of the 8th grade and accepted a position in Jasonville schools. James M. Pierce and wife came home Saturday from Rochester, Minnesota, where they spent four weeks in Mayo Brother's hospital. - Wallace Franklin and wife left Saturday for Bloomington where they will make their home. - C. F. Needy and family and Evitt Price and family of Worthington spent Xmas with Mark Needy and family. - A large crowd of basket ball (sic) fans went to Spencer Wednesday night and saw the home boys defeat the Spencer team with a score of 21-18. - Dorothy McBride spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Frank Nelson at Switz City. - Charley McBride and family, Mrs. John Forest and sons, of Rockville, Fred McBride and family of Lyons, Freat McBride and wife of Seldon, Kas. spent Thursday with their parents A. B. McBride.
- Mrs. Carl Sexton and sons of Worthington spent Sunday at the James Pierce home. - Mrs. Emil Williams left Sunday for Ripley county where she will teach music and art. - Ruth Mable of Indianapolis is spending the holiday with C. C. Bryant and wife. - Roy Stevens has purchased the hardware of Orrie Franklin.
The Farm Life Publishing Co. To Erect Big New Building Alongside Present Plant - Preferred Stock Offered
The Farm Life Printing Co. of this city is preparing to erect a new building to occupy the space from its present main building to the alley north. They recently acquired the office of Dr. Allen Pierson and the new building will take in the entire space to the alley. It will harmonize in general appearance with the original Farm Life bulding. The new purchase of real estate now gives them a a solid quarter block in the corner formed by Main and Jefferson streets.
The growth of Farm Life has been phenomenal. About eleven or twelve years ago they moved into the new building they had erected on the present site and since then they have gradually increased their business and acquired more and more real estate forming the solid unit, as it now stands, of a quarter block.
The subscription list, during the past few years, has had a remarkable growth and for the past year has been increasing at the rate of about 7,000 daily. This is, of course, partially offset by expirations, so that the net gain daily varies somewhat.
The Farm Life company has a payroll of $140,000 annually. This is the payroll of actual employees within the building and does not include ther advertising agencies or other items. Their postage bill alone runs between $90,000 and $100,000 and they pay 10% of all the second class postage in Indiana. Second class postage applies to publications - newspapers, magazines, etc. - and of all the postage in the state of this class Farm Life pays one tenth.
To finance the new building project he company is arranging to sell some $20,000 of preferred stock. This is to cover the cost of the improvement. This is to be sold from a $50,000 preferred stock issue of 1914. The stick pays 7% semi-annually and is not taxable so far as the holder is concerned, the company assuming the taxes. This stock is now on the market and it is more than likely it will all be taken by local people. The stock is $10 a share.
The Farm Life Co. has put Spencer on the map. It has made the Spencer postoffice an office of the first class and furnishes employment to a big number of people, both women and men, and the payroll alone means much to the town. The payment of $140,000 means $11,666.66 monthly or nearly $6,000 every two weeks. The rapid growth of the concern and the fact that its increased earnings have been repeatedly put back into improvements of the plant makes it a safe investment of the gilt-edge brand.
Practical Joker At Spencer Almost Takes the Life of a Friend
(Owen County Journal)
Through what is believed to be the prank of a so-called joker, Raymond Babbs, of Spencer, had a close call from death last Saturday when he ate a poisoned orange that had been given him.
Babbs stepped into the Brown vulcanizing station Friday and noticed an orange that had apparently been left by some one, and upon directing a question to others collected in the station as to the ownership, was told that it belonged to him if he cared for it.
Naturally, and without suspicion, he ate the fruit and a few minutes later started to his home. When he arrived at his home he told Mrs. Babbs that he felt like he was burning up inside and not feeling well. He went to the taxi barn across the street from his home and there fell in a faint. Dr. Rice was near and with the aid of another physician who was called, realizing from the symptoms exhibited that the stricken man was probably suffering from poison, administered warm milk as first aid. He was taken to his home and the first aid treatment followed by the administering of drugs to incite vomiting. The vomiting relieved him. Closer examination showed that his mouth and throat were badly burned. He was very sick during the night but was out of danger by Sunday night.
According to Babb's grandfather, George Babbs, who said he made an investigation, the orange had been charged with croton oil, probably injected with a syringe, as young Babbs did not notice any break in the peel of the fruit when he ate it. It is said that another orange had been loaded with gasoline, but fortunately, no one ate it.
Saturday Afternoon Blaze Guts Room Occupied As Movie House - No One In Building
Fire, supposedly starting from an overheated stove, destroyed the Campbell Theatre here Saturday afternoon. The fires had been built preparatory for the afternoon show and the proprietor, H. E. Campbell, had crossed the street to a garage. The stove, it is believed, became overheated and set fire to the back row of seats and a flimsy partition. The first intimation anyone had of the fire the heat from the interior heaved the glass of the front into the street, glass flying across Market street. No fire reached the operating room till some 15 minutes later. The fire department played two big streams on the fire for over 30 minutes before they had it under control. The fire started about half an hour before the matinee time, when the theatre would have been filled with children and country folks. The building is owned by E. B. Phillips and is insured. Campbell carried no insurance on his fixtures. The fire was confined to the one building, though at one time it threatened to break into the furniture store of Ed West & Son.
The room is on the south side of the square, between the West furniture store and the Egnor & Crane feed store. The interior was made of flimsy material, beaver board forming a big part of partitions and side walls of the rear half of the room. The operating room was overhead and was situated midway of the room, entrance being from the outside of the building. It, however, was lined with fireproof material and was about the last thing to burn. It was supposed by many at the time of the fire that it had been caused by a film explosion but this was a mistake. Examination of the front of the building showed that the fire had started near the front stove, just beside the ticket office. The back row of seats near the stove showed the full force of the fire and were badly burned, while the seats beyond were only slightly damaged.
The fire was discovered at 1:15 o'clock and by 2 o'clock the department had it under control. The interior burned like powder and spread so rapidly that the firemen experienced considerable difficulty in fighting it. It spread from front to back almost in a flash. George Campbell, the operator, attempted twice to get into the operating room but the smoke was so dense he could not get inside. Neither time was there any sign of fire in the operating room as it was the last to burn.
The films of "Penrod", the show for Saturday, together with the projecting machine and all the paraphernalia used in connection with the operation, were destroyed.
A car, belonging to Walter Hudson of Clay Township, was parked in front of the theatre and it caught fire when the front of the building blew out. The top was burned off and the upholstering damaged.
Widow of Capt. McNaught Dies Here At Age Of 91 Years - Husband Died Only A Few Months Ago
Mrs. Sarah (Puett) McNaught, 91 years old, widow of Capt. Robert McNaught, died Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Field. Her husband died only a few months ago and since his death her decline has been rapid. For years she had been an invalid. She was a native of Monroe county and was married to Robert McNaught October 9, 1851. Two children were born to this union, only one of whom, Mrs. F. M. Field, survives. A grandson, Wade Fitch, lives in California and one granddaughter, Mrs. Mary (Field) Bacon, lives here. A brother, the Rev. George Puett of Ellettsville, is now almost 96 years old.
Mrs. McNaught's father, William Puett, was a Baptist minister in Monroe county. Mrs. McNaught was born January 6, 1832, near Ellettsville. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the home of F. M. Field and interment will be made in Riverside cemetery.
Former Resident Dead
Ralph E. Johnson, of Lincoln, Nebr., sends us word of the death of Mrs. Lillie Beach at Alhambra, Calif., Feb. 4. She was a daughter of Mrs. Amma Johnson Fulk and a granddaughter of Finley B. Johnson and will be remembered by the older citizens here. Amma Johnson married a Johnson and later married a Fulk. She and her first husband conducted what is now the Laymon Hotel and there Lillie was born, also Laura, Emma, Charlie, and Grove Johnson. The only one of the children surviving is Mrs. Laura Wilkinson, now living in Omaha.
George Z. Smith Dead
George Z. Smith, 83 years old, for many years a farmer of this county, died suddenly Thursday morning at his home west of Spencer. He had been ailing for several months and for three weeks past had been confined to his bed. Thursday morning he was awakened as usual about 5 o'clock by his daughter, Mrs. McGuire, and a little later he was found dead. Heart disease is thought to have been the cause.
Mr. Smith was born in Ohio April 6, 1840, and was a son of James Smith. His mother's maiden name was Sheppard. For practically all his life he had lived in Owen county. His wife died about three years ago. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Lawerence (sic) Hahn, Mrs. Sam McClure and Mrs. Arthur McGuire, with whom he lived, all living in or near Spencer.
Funeral services were held Friday at the home and interment was made in Riverside cemetery. He was a Red Man and the lodge officiated at his funeral.
Egnor doing fine
Telephone word from the Methodist hospital, Indianapolis, Saturday was that J. W. Egnor, Sr., operated on Friday afternoon, was "doing fine". The quotation is from Dr. Wishard, who operated on Mr. Egnor. "Uncle Jim's" many friends here will be hoping for his early return home in good health.
Dowd Hall Dead
Dowd Hall, about 78 years of age, son of John Hall, died Nov 8. at his home in Jasonville and was buried Nov. 10 in the McIndoo cemetery near Freedom. He was the father of ten children, seven of whom are living, and all were present at the funeral. Mr. Hall lived here several years ago and will be remembered by many. Relatives from here attend ing the funeral were: Wm Hendrick and wife, Jesse Maners and family, Mrs U. S. Mathes and Chas. Hall.
Ora Carter
Ora Carter and family of Indianapolis were here last week to visit his mother, Mrs. Melissa Carter,and his sister, Mrs. Don Stimson.
James Welty Dies Suddenly
James B. Welty, 66 years old, a farmer of Morgan township, died suddenly Wednesday night of acute indigestion at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emory Sheese, in Brazil. He had gone to Brazil to have a cataract removed from his eye and was being treated to get him physically fit, and the indigestion developed.
He was a son of David and Sarah (Hively) Welty and was born in Owen county May 21, 1857. He was married Aug 28, 1879, to Eliza Chaney. The wife and four children survive him. The children are Mrs. Grace Spear, Saline City; Harvey Welty, Vandalia; Mrs. Myrtle Sheese, Brazil and Ray Welty, Vandalia. He also leaves four brothers and one sister as follows: Hiram of Atkinsonville, Jesse and Samuel of Finley, Ill., Amos of Huntington. Ind., and Mrs Mary Burns of Kansas City, Kas.
Short services were held at the Welty home Friday afternoon and the funeral service was held at Carolina church, where interment was made.
Ross W. Keys
Ross W. Keys was born March 8th, 1894, at Patricksburg, Ind. He spent a good part of his younger days in Bowling Green, Ind. At the age of 19 yrs, he accepted a position at the State house at Indianapolis, during the administration of Gov. Ralston, after which he was employed with the Dean Pump Co. until the time of his death. In April 1922 he was taken into the South Eastern I. O. O. F. Lodge. He was a faithful member and loved by all who knew him. He is survived by the wife, one daughter, Dorothy Ernestine, the mother, Flora E. Bogle, one sister, Mrs. J. C. King of Holtsville. Calif., and one step brother, Lowell Bogle, of Terre Haute. He was laid to rest at Bowling Green, Ind. Oct. 11th. Ross was a grandson of Dr. J. A. Williams at Patricksburg.
Quite a lot of sickness in this neighborhood. Earl Reese and family motored to Ellettsville Sunday. Misses Emma and Ethel Corbin of Spencer were here Sunday with home folks. Miss Mary Powell of this place and O. T. Powell and family of Patricksburg visited their sisters Mrs. Jas. Gray and Mrs. Earl Stockwell in Morgan County Sunday. Everett Ault and wife spent Thanksgiving with relatives here. Estil Troth and family of Crawfordsville are visiting home folks for a few days. Fonner Sharp and wife, N. W. Troth and wife visited Dewey Troth last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morley of Illinois spent Thanksgiving with the latter's parents, Earl Reese and wife. Clyde and Delbert Witham of Terre Haute are spending a few days with their grandparents, Robt. Newport and wife. The pie supper at the school was well attended and the amount made was $25, which will be used to pay for some maps the teacher lately purchased. We have been having school for several years without maps. We are led to believe the party was mistaken about the founding of our little town. The three men who laid out the town were, Jacob Hicks, father-in-law of Sam Stwalley, 84 yrs. old of this place. The old Hicks home is one mile west of town and occupied by our mail carrier B. F. Staley. Calvin Bender of Spencer, 90 yrs. old is another son-in-law of Jacob Hicks. The other two men were one Daily and Vandyke. They suggested the name "Hicksville" but Jacob Hicks objected and they spliced the two names of Vandyke and Daily and hence the name Vandalia. There are many descendants of all three families. The little son of Lewis Loser being the 5th generation of the Hicks family. Hicks came to this place almost 100 yrs. ago from Tennessee. We were glad to have the Spencer young folks present at our Epworth League Sunday nite.
Mrs. James Rowland spent Sunday in Paragon.
Dividing Ridge
T. L. Franklin shredded corn Wednesday. Wayne Watson was at Bloomington Wednesday. Clarence Williams and wife spent Thursday with J. F. Dyer and family. Clarence Hanna and family of Dugger were visiting relatives here Thursday. W. C. Franklin and family of Bedford spent Thanksgiving with home folks. V. A. Smith and son Malcolm spent Thanksgiving with Chas. Schmidt and family. Earl Kellar and V. A. Smith and son, Malcolm, spent Thursday evening with Dean Jean. Ralph Hines accompanied by his nephew Arthur Adams of Peru, drove down to spend Thanksgiving with Abe Hines and family. Pearl Hines of Indianapolis and Ray Dyer and family of Worthington also spent the day with them. Carl Griffith and wife and Lewis Williams and wife spent Thursday with Sam Griffith and family. Mrs. Wayne Watson called on Mrs. Paul Hines Friday afternoon.
Poplar Ridge
Wm. Dickey has moved to the Jane Beaman house to be nearer his work. Mrs. Ross Ruebeck helped Mrs. Chas Amers can mince meat Wednesday. Mrs. M. E. Ralston was at her house north of Cunot Tuesday on which she is thinking of making extensive repairs. Mrs. Will Morris and daughter, May, were trading at Jordan Monday. Oscar Ahlmeyer and family were at John Herbert's home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Bert Ruebeck visited Mrs. Chas. Amers Tuesday. Mrs. Cora Herbert was at Poland Wednesday. Cleve Schroer is shucking corn in Illinois. J. O. McCain of Ben Davis was at Mrs. Ralston's place north of Cunot Tuesday. Virgil Morris was at Poland Thursday. Butchering has been the order of the day, with vaccination a close second, several neighbors having lost hogs by cholera. Otis Ablemeier and family were at Cloverdale Saturday. The Thanksgiving program at the Precinct school Wednesday afternoon was good, though the attendance was small. Mrs. Bonnie McCruitt is visiting John Farlee and family. The rain Thursday did not seem to dampen the sprits of the hunters much. Forrest Herbert is rather poorly as of this writing.
Misses Bessie South and Helen Haltom spent the week end in Indianapolis, the guest of Mrs. Cora Caldwell and Miss Lillian Teague.
Misses Alice and Marjorie Thompson spent the week end in Spencer with Miss Ruth Cassell.
Charles Dunn, of the Burton & Dunn Grocery, was absent from the store a few days last week on account of sickness.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fox visited relatives in Stinesville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wible and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson, of Stinesville, were visitors here Saturday.
Mrs. Ernest Britton, of Indianapolis spent part of last week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lundy.
Mr. and Mrs. Manly Wible were visitors in Indianapolis Saturday.
The Art Club, an organization of the Christian church, held a bazaar in the Buskirk millenery room last Saturday. They also served lunch at the noon hour and oyster soup and ice cream and cake in the evening. The profit was a little over $100.
Mr. Sadie Goodman is confined to her home on account of sickness.
Mrs. Katie Whitaker returned last week from Fort Wayne where she spent three weeks with her son and daughter, Miss Hester, who is teaching in the public schools, and Sam who is employed at that place.
Mrs. Alice Wampler and son, Welch and Mrs. Nettie Lukenbill and daughter. Mrs. Theory Mugg, went to Indianapolis Tuesday. Mrs. Lukenbill and Mrs. Mugg will remain several weeks.
J. S. Davis and son, C. A. Davis. who have been buying timber in the north part of the state, are at home for a few days.
Mrs. Bessie Strain entertained the members of the King's Heralds, an organization of children between the ages of six to fourteen, at her home Thursday evening. A good program was given and each gave a Christmas offering which amounted to about (illegible). This will be used in the (illegible) field.
(illegible) and Mrs. Thomas Dodd and Mrs. (illegible) Strain were visitors in Indianapolis Friday.
(illegible) Mrs. John Stierwalt.
Mrs Sarah Stoute and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoute moved Monday from the Mrs. Posie Dunnagan property into the James V. Wampler property recently purchased from James Rose.
The associational board of promotion met Thursday at the Baptist church morning and afternoon session. Dr. Doring, of Assam, was present at both sessions with a live and burning message, which wa well worth hearing.
The members of the Senior class, of the local high school are planning to give a play sometime before the holidays, the exact date will be announced later.
Clement McCaw, of Cloverdale, and M. Richmond, of Springfield, Mass., were guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fox.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black have returned from a several days visit with their daughter, Mrs. E. L. Hand, in Rochester, N. Y.
Gosport is to have a new undertaking establishment, what is composed of Jesse L. Cure, of Martinsville, and Herman F. Hensley, of this place, who also operate a business in Martinsville. For the present the office of the new firm will be at the Hensley residence, south Fourth street. Latter different arrangements will be made.
The Rev R. I. Black, pastor of the Methodist church, has organized a class in bible study. The class meets each Tuesday evening in the League room of the church. About thirty have enrolled.
John Campbell of Muncie, came to attend the funeral of his uncle, C. B. Criss, Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Heaton, of Worthington spent last Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Sadie Goodman.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Smith, north of town, and Mrs. Effie Berwick and Miss Lizzie Holmes spent last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fox.
E. A McCarty and R. A. Lee, of Indianapolis, were here Tuesday to attend the funeral of C. B. Criss.
Charles B. Criss, age 47 years, died Saturday at 1:30 p. m, at the Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, following an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Criss had been in ill health about a year but was not forced to take his bed until on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and gradually grew worse and on Sunday it became necessary to take him to the hospital where he submitted to the operation from which he never recovered. Mr. Criss was born and reared in Gosport he was a graduate of the local high and also a graduate of Purdue University. For the past several years he had been engaged in the drug business in Gosport. He leaves a wife, one daughter, Dortha, a stepmother, Mrs. Sarah Criss, and one sister, Mrs. Ecma Batterton, and other relatives and a host of friends. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Christian church in charge of Rev. Shipplet and burial was in the Gosport cemetery.
Albert Imhausen, who was injured in an automobile accident in Bloomington some weeks ago, was able to return home Monday.
Miss Bessie Neff, of Muncie, spent Thanksgiving at home.
Mrs. George Skidmore, of Bicknell, was the guest of the Chris Colonbaugh family Thanksgiving.
Dow Light and family, of Indianapolis, were the guests of Jack Light and family during the Thanksgiving holidays.
J. L. Abrell and son had a new electric player piano placed in their restaurant last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sexon, of Worthington, visited the J. Pierce family Monday.
John Coffy, who has been in the hospital for some time, returned home a few days ago, and we are informed he will lose the sight of his eye he was having treated.
The Freedom Independents defeated the Martinsville Artisian Independents here Saturday evening. The score was 40 to 18.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Abrell motored to Terre Haute Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kindred and daughter Eva, of Worthington, and J. L. Abrell and wife took dinner Thanksgiving with the Karl Abrell family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Messick visited the Ballard West family at Urbana, Ill., recently.
Mrs. Rosa Abrell spent Thursday with Mrs. A. S. McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn visited their daughter. Mrs. C. F. McIntosh, at Worthington ,Tuesday.
Mrs. Grant Hooper and little daughter, of Bicknell, retuned to their home Friday after a visit with relatives.
The J. M. Pierce family left Thursday for Florida where they will spend the winter.
Fred Kirkham, of Vincennes, visited his parents, Olliver Kirkham, Sunday.
Rev. F. H. Albritten and family were Sunday guests of the Noah Courim family.
N. G. Hickam attended the funeral of a cousin at Bloomington Sunday.
Frank Needy, who has been on the sick list for the past (illegible)
Miss Mamie Douglas, of Washington township, who has been suffering from an infected finger for several weeks, is some better.
J. L. Arthur, of Indianapolis. called at this office on business Wednesday.
A musical comedy, given by the FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH, DECEMBER 14th, in the high school auditorium in Freedom.
Cast of characters follows:
Rev. Grundy, the minister, Iseral Messick (sic)
Mrs Grundy, his wife, Mrs. C. W. Hickam
All on anxious bench
Samantha Slick. Mrs. J. N. Courim
Penelope Perkins, Mrs. Byrd Stutz
Nodanna Simpkins. Mrs. Avis Wood
Vivian Walker, Vera Stutz.
Agatha Squals, She cools down a little, Mrs. Roy Stevens
Cayenne Pepper, Still stutters, Mrs. N. G. Hickam
Dephie Hardahear, Is still deaf, Appenine Allbritten
Kate Butcher, an old college chumb of Mrs. Grundy, Ione Light
Billie Butcher, a jolly good fellow, Jack Kirkham
Always Knoxit, Rev. H. T. Allbritten always on the job
Hugh Howler N. G. Hlckam
Music - C. W. Hickman, Ogle Johnson, Lillian Stevens, and Elizabeth Scott.
Scene - Living room of Parsonage
ADMISSION 15 and 25c.
Stop and Shop in Spencer
Santa Claus
will be at Parr's Variety Store, Saturday. December 15. Mr. Parr makes this announcement so all the boys and girls can have their letters written to Santa Claus. At Parr's Variety Store you will find toys and dolls and anything else that you need to make your children's Christmas complete.
Do you look forward to a good night's sleep, and get up in the morning refreshed and ready to meet the tasks of the day, or do you dread going to bed only to stare sleeplessly at the walls? The difference in sleeping and staring is simply a matter of nerve freedom. Let E. P. Stackhouse, the Spencer Chiropractor, explain. Consultation and analysis free.
Save Through Force of Habit.
We all find it hard to save money until we have "developed the habit." Every one knows that if we do a thing once or twice it becomes a habit. We do it unconsciously. The habit of saving money is not hard to acquire, START NOW, and "develop the habit" of saving money. The Exchange Bank.
Right Up To The Minute
Battery Service can be had at the Spencer Battery Station, We want to announce our eight hour battery charging system which will give more satisfactory service to our customers. We have up-to date service of batteries that suits the most particular. Give us a trial.
Candy Rags
and pillow tops, are all the rage. They are made of pure wool felt and of very beautiful colors. They are guaranteed to wear a life time, are washable and can be had in any size wanted. Give your sweetheart a set for Christmas. Will be on display at the Owen Music Store after December 1st.
Where Would
you go to get groceries and meats? I would advise you to go to Art Thomas' General Store on West Morgan street, to get the best groceries, meats and dry goods. Most people go where they get the best, so this is why I gave you this advice. Call phone 70.
The Interest of the Hour
the interest of the women is now centered on the winter hats. Some women prefer a specially designed hat, while the average woman is satisfied with the ready to wear hat became it is up to date, and well tailored. Mrs. N. E. Farris has anything in the millinery line you desire.
Get Them Now
Your Christmas gifts are now ready for you at the STYLE SHOPPE. Everything for the little tots on up to the older folks. Prices and values the most attractive in town. Why wait until the last minute rush and confusion. The Style Shoppe.
is the kind of flavoring extract that has won favorable comment for all baking purposes. It is double strength and in splendid flavors of lemon and vanilla. Try this dependable extract on sale at the E. O. Johnson Grocery on South Main street.
Come In
and do your shopping early. presents for every member of the family. Bathrobes and house slippers for grownups and children. Bath towel sets, fancy handkerchiefs and scarf sets. For the best in general merchandise, groceries and meats go to Teagardin's grocery on W. Morgan street.
Christmas Money.
Do you always have all the money you want at Christmas time? If not, then start an account with us today for the Christmas of 1924, and the problem of money for the Christmas season will be solved. A little thrift and determination on your part, joined with our (illegible) department, is all that is needed, Spencer National Bank.
These Cold and Chilly Days
remind me of the approaching winter, and the first thought is of our winter overcoats, sweaters, etc. Go to Bixler's "Home of Good Clothes," for your sweaters and overcoats and see Mr. Bixler or his clerks at once about the new flannel shirts in a large assortment of bright colors and checks and all sizes.
"The Family Store"
you have all heard of the "Family Store," located on the corner of Main and Market streets. It is called the "Family Store" because Mr. Vandeventer handles groceries, meats, shoes and other dry goods to suit the tastes, and to satisfy all of his customers. When in need of groceries or footwear go to Vandeventer's Store.
If You Need
a stove or range don't buy until you see E. B. Phillips stock of heating stoves and ranges which he will sell to you at a little above cost. If you need a new stove Mr. Phillips will be glad to accommodate you. Go to Phillip's Hardware store on the south side of the square.
You Are Judge
Housewives, you are judge of where to buy your groceries, meats and other kitchen wants. John Galloway's grocery on South West street has everything you will need in groceries, fruits, vegetables and meats at the right prices. Make a visit to his store or call phone number 6.
We Have
quick lunches for busy people, is what they will tell you at the Cozy Lunch Room, on the east side of the square. Try the Cozy Lunch Room for their short orders, sandwiches, soups and pies, and see if you won't call again.
is something we all desire, relaxes the nerves of the mind and body. What is better recreation than a good game of pool to brighten your hour of leisure. Mr. Ashley also serves hot lunches and soft drinks. Make a visit to W. C. Ashley & Son's pool room on the north side of the square.
A Bargain Is a Bargain
if it is only a bargain in groceries. At E. O. Johnson's grocery on South Main street, you will find the following bargains. Bulk new crop raisins and prunes. Raisins at 15c per pound and prunes at 16c to 18c per pound. This is bargain week, don't lose out on them. Mr. Johnson handles a good line of fresh and staple groceries at the right prices.
June 6, 1929
A petition filed in Owen circuit court by Loren Thomas asking that his son not be required to visit the divorced mother, Mrs. Blanche Thomas, may bring to light some interesting and rather entangling details if the grand jury investigates as it is expected to do.
It was brought out in the hearing of the petition that two persons in the Thomas family had died under mysterious circumstances and that the son, age seven, returned sick from visits with his mother. Mrs. Thomas resides at Gosport.
Charles Thomas, father of the divorced husband, and Mrs. A. A. Zein, mother of Mrs. Thomas's first husband, are the persons whose mysterious deaths were rehearsed. Miller & Treadway, attorneys for Mrs. Thomas, withdrew from the case on instructions from Judge H. A. Rundell. An early investigation by the grand jury is expected.
Nancy Keller died
Mrs. Nancy Keller, age 96, an Indiana pioneer born in a log cabin in Putnam County died Friday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis R. Adams, 401 Berkley Road. Mrs. Keller until recently was alert and interested in modern invention and science, keeping abreast of the times through newspapers and radio in spite of her advanced age. Mrs. Keller was born March 29, 1835. When she was seven years old her family moved to Owen County near Spencer, traveling in a covered wagon with the stock following and had a wealth of reminiscences of early days and often said she saw "Spencer grow-up" and told of how she played on the ties when the Indianapolis & Vincennes Railroad was built through town. She was one of a family of 11 children. She was the widow of Andrew J. Keller, a Civil War veteran who died in 1887. Mrs. Keller is survived by the daughter, Mrs. Adams; a son Willard Keller of Oklahoma; a brother and sister, Mrs. Maggie Welty, Huntington and William Coffman, Spencer, 11 grandchildren 35 great grandchildren and 12 great great grandchildren. She was a member of the West Washington Street church but in recent years had been attending the University Park Christian Church. Funeral services will be held at the undertaking establishment of Edward Tyner, 328 West Thirtieth Street, Sunday afternoon with burial at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery north of Spencer Monday.
Contributor: Karen Zach
SCOTTSBURG – Mrs. Margaret Ruthanna Young, 53, of Rt. 3, Scottsburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Franklin and sister of Mrs. Ruby Bowman, all of Crawfordsville, died at 8 p.m. Thursday in Methodist Hospital at Louisville, KY. Mrs. Young was a member of Zoah Christian Church at Scottsburg. She was born Jan. 19, 1924 in Owen County where she lived most of her life. She had resided the past six years in Scott County. Others survivors besides the parents and sister are her husband, Frank M. Sr. of Scottsburg; a son, Frank M. Jr. of Minneapolis, Minn.; a daughter, Mrs. Becky Bacon of Williamsport; and four grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Russell Lee Franklin. Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in Hamilton-Orr Funeral Home at Hoopeston, with the Rev. Stanley J. Thomas, pastor of Zoah Church, officiating. Burial will be in Floral Hill Cemetery at Hoopeston. Friends may call at the Collins Funeral at Scottsburg 4-9 p.m. Saturday and at the Hamilton-Orr Funeral Home at Hoopeston 2-4 and 7-9 Sunday. The family requests memorials in the form of donations to the American Cancer Society. – jlr
Charles Lewis "Jack" Abrell
Many of you will remember Charles Lewis Abrell, better known as "Jack." He was known for his sense of humor and most of all, over the years we've all seen examples of his genius as a photographer.
Jack was also a barber when he first came to Greensburg, but maybe you didn't know that he left home at the age of 14 to join the Circus. His son, Ivan, remembers him as being good at everything he undertook.
In Alden Westhafer's book, "Sundown and Payday," there is a story about Jack when he worked at Cohee's Barber Shop (which was in the basement of the DeArmond Hotel). Seems that the barber shop was "a spot for a laugh a minute." Jack and Cohee were always pulling a prank on someone, remembers Westhafer, and a popular one was to hide the package usually brought in by Mr. Menje who ran a meat market on the North side of the square.
Once Menje brought a package, Jack hid it and Menje didn't come back for it. After a few days the shop was filled with a horrible odor, and upon investigation, the package was found to contain a dead fish. They wrapped the fish in an air tight container, took it to Cincinnati, and sent it to Menje's Meat Market, via express "collect." Menje was too smart for them, however, and refused the package.
Jack was born in Patricksburg, Indiana and when he was 14, left home to join the circus. He became a contortionist with the circus and just a few years before his death in 1947 at age 51, could do some of his old stunts to the delight of those who knew him. As a matter of fact, he did one of his acts on the square not long before he died. This was the one where he put his hands on the sidewalk, put both feet in back of his head, and walked on his hands.
His main act in the circus was the "revolving ladder." This was an act where he interlaced his body between the rungs of the ladder while it was spinning. This was undoubtably made somewhat easier by Jack being only 5'3" or 4" and weighing one hundred pounds. The light weight kept him out of the army when he tried to join.
Jack came to Greensburg in 1924 with the idea of just passing through. He was going to work as a barber for a couple of weeks and then move on. But then, one day, Iva Katherine Metz came into the barber shop to get her hair bobbed in the style of the 1920's.
Jack and Katherine married in 1930. Three children were born, Ivan, who lives in Greensburg, Garth who died in 1961, and Rilla who lives in Florida and works with an airline. Katherine now lives in Florida.
Jack worked in Ben Licking's Barber Shop which was just North of the Union Bank and Trust building. He was interested in photography and worked part time in the Beck Studio. (Beck's son, Sirlett, became a photographer at Pogue's Department Store). In 1935, Jack opened the Abrell Studio specializing in portrait work and photographic supplies.
The studio was located over the Licking Barber Shop. Other stores along there at that time, were (going from South to North) Union Bank, Licking's, two millinery shops, run by Lula Mason and Anna Wheeldon, the K of P Theater, a mortuary owned by Charles Howe, the K of P Lodge entrance, and the Palms Drug Store.
Jack became widely known for his work with the camera. Only a few days before his death he was notified of his appointment to the Daguerre Club which is an exclusive international photographic society.
Archie O. Hamm
Archie O. Hamm, 93, resident of 300 North Franklin Street, Brazil, died at 12:30 p.m. Friday, April 27 at the Clay County Hospital after two weeks of failing health.
Born January 17, 1897, in Owen County, he was the son of William F. and Anna (Gose) Hamm.
He attended school in Owen and Clay County and led an active life in business and political activities in Clay County.
His first wife, Lucille (Cutshall) Hamm preceded him in death in 1971. He later married Mary (Shaw) Hamm and she preceded him in death in 1983.
In 1932 he was co-owner along with Wayne Crofton of the West National Avenue of the Marathon Service station until his retirement in 1971.
Mr. Hamm was mayor of Brazil from 1948 to 1955 and also served on the city council from 1943 to 1948.
He was a long-time active member of the Brazil First Christian Church and served in official capacities as elder, deacon, trustee, and chairman of the board of trustees. He was a member of the Brazil Kiwanis Club for more than 54 years and had a perfect attendance record. He was honored as a Kiwanis Club for Fellow at the International Foundation in 1985, served as club president in 1942 and as lieutenant governor in 1945.
He was a member of the Masonic Lodges, No. 541 of Brazil; Brazil Commandery No. 47; Knights Templar; Brazil Council. R.& S.M; Brazil Chapter No 59, R.A.M.; Terre Haute Valley Scottish Rite: Brazil Eagles Lodge No. 274. and a life member of the Elks Lodge No 762, and former director of the YMCA and the Clay County Chamber of Commerce.
He was preceded in death by his only daughter. Juanita Hamm Shearer in 1973; three sisters, Clara Hamm Swearingen, Nona Hamm Swearingen and Elsie Hamm Hargraves.
Survivors are one granddaughter, the Rev Linda Shearer Strohmier of New York: one sister, Ruby Targett of Brazil; one brother and sister-in-law, Hubert and Rosa Hamm of Brazil; two step-daughters, Bonnie Jean Shaw Williams of Indianapolis and Dorothy Shaw Johnson of Muncie; one great-granddaughter, and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were Monday, April 30 at the First Christian Church. Bro. Doug Fraley officiated.
Interment was at the Roselawn Memorial Park in Terre Haute.
Frances Phillips
(Summarized from a longer, copyrighted article)
84-year-old Frances Phillips lives in Carp, in a house her family built in 1938. She cuts her own wood and fishes. She retired from RCA in 1969. Her nephew is Paul Mabin, and they enjoy eating out in Bloomington and Greencastle. She is a member of the Farm Girls Sunshine Club, a group of women that meet monthly for a potluck.
Funeral for 96-year-old a tribute to a queen
(Summarized from a longer, copyrighted article)
96-year-old Frances Phillips was the longest-serving member of Area 10's Council on Aging. After retiring from RCA in 1969, she worked with her brother Altus on the family farm. Both Frances and Altus were born and died on the farm. She never married or had children. She was named Older Hoosier of the Year in 1987, and was twice selected as Owen County Senior Queen. She was descended from the first black family to settle in Owen County. Her grandfather, Peter Phillips, was a freed slave who bought 50 acres near Carp in the 1880s.
Owen County's Betty Blaker is one determined woman
(Summarized from a longer, copyrighted article)
After winning fight to bury her husband on their land, a green cemetery is new goal
Betty Blaker, who owns 300 acres in Owen County north of Spencer, wants to create a green cemetery on her property, but she's been running into legal issues. She received permission to bury her husband Milo on the site and will be buried there herself. She found a 500-pound piece of sandstone for her grave marker, probably a foundation stone for her grandfather's house.
Her mother, Rose Fern Livingston, was born in the house. Betty's brothers, Steve and Lewis Fender, live just down the road. She also owns a rental house across from Riverside Cemetery, where her mother used to live. She has exhibited canned foods and produce at the Owen County Fair for 78 years.
She has no heirs.