- 1849
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- 2017
Isaac Gynn
About six weeks ago Isaac Gynn residing about 7 miles west of town, had a horse stolen from him. Last week officers from Owen county went to Pike county and arrested Ed Hummer and recovered the stolen animal. Hummer is now in the jail at Spencer.
Death of Dr. Boggs
Dr. Robert T Boggs died at Quincy, Owen county on Sunday morning last, of typhoid fever. Dr. Boggs removed from Noble county, Ohio, to this part of Indiana about six years ago. He taught school in Monroe and Brown counties for awhile, and, after attending medical lectures at Cincinnati, practiced medicine in Vanburen township, this county. In 1879 he moved to Bloomington and went into partnership with Dr. Weir. The removal of Dr. Mullinix to this place left open a good practice at Quincy, and Dr. Boggs seized upon the opportunity to obtain a good start in his profession. In March of last year he was married to a daughter of Wm. L. Payne, a young lady but about sixteen years of age. Today she is a widow; and not reached the age of maturity. Dr. Boggs was 31 years of age. No man ever left behind him a purer record than he. Honest and upright in all his dealings, he made many fast friends who were much pained to hear of his sudden taking off. By request of the young widow, Rev. J. W, Webb, the deceased's former pastor, came down from Greencastle to preach the funeral discourse. He was assisted in the ceremonies by Presiding Elder Welker, and the Rev. Mr. Pitner, pastor of the M . E. Church, where the services were held. The aged father and mother, and a brother of the deceased, were present and the ceremonies were very solemn and impressive. The Odd Fellows followed their dead brother to the grave, where the final services were held as the ritual of the order proscribes.