- 1849
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Real Estate Transfers
The following are the real estate transfers for the week ending August 23, 1890:
George C. Massy to Andrew T. Massy, lots 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and strip adjoining Spencer $1200.00
Sheriff to Wm R. Kennedy, lot 3 Gosport $162.00
John Spears to C.R. and C.N. Ellis, lots 21 and 22 Spencer $325.00
Jacob A. Wright to George Chambers, 120 acres in Lafayette $2000.00
Nancy Biggerton et al to Ambrose Watson, 40 acres in Jefferson $300.00
James S. Goss to John W. Black et al Int. in 24 acres in Wayne $100.00
John W. Beem to Nancy M. Beem, 148 66-100 acres in Washington $2000.00
Hannah B. Greenfield to Daniel O. Sullivan, 235 acres in Jackson $5000.00
D. O. Sullivan to M. M. Walton, 235 acres in Jackson $8000.00
M. M. Walton to Allen Spyker, 235 acres in Jackson $8000.00
Freedom Flashes / Rattlesnake Rattlers
Freedom Flashes
Geo. Scott moved to Vilas last Saturday.
W. J. Suffal was at Spencer last Saturday on business.
Gus Hixenbaugh, of Patricksburg, spent Tuesday with us.
J. L. Pierson, of Spencer, was circulating among us Monday.
Joe Robinson shipped a car load of hogs from here Tuesday.
E. W. Cassady was at Martinsville last week for his health.
Jim Hicks and Fred Allen have gone to Illinois to cut broom corn.
W. F. Cassady and Sam Wallace were down Monday and made glad the hearts of the employees on the grade.
Work on the levee is in full progress. The managers report a full set of hands and will soon have the work completed. The election passed off quietly. All are well pleased with the new election law, except those who desire a compensation for their votes.
Rattlesnake Rattlers
Mrs. E. M. Barnes is visiting relatives at Gosport.
Miss Minnie White has gone on a visit to her grandfather.
The last rain we had has done a great deal of good to the corn.
Miss Mollie Price, of Spencer, is visiting her aunt this week.
Ed. White, who has been out in Illinois, has returned home.
Miss Mollie Wilson, of Spencer, visited her grandfather last week.
Miss L. Scott, of Freedom, was visiting Mrs. J. White last week.
A. G. More has improved his house by putting on a new tin roof.
J. James, of Shelbyville, Ind., is visiting his children in this locality.
Miss Sallie White has gone on a two week's visit to her uncle, James McClarey.
Sunday school next Sunday morning at half past nine o'clock. Preaching at half past seven by Rev. McCallister.
Hattie Babbs Married
Married, Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the residence of James Babbs,
Charles A. St. Clair and Hattie Babbs, daughter of Kirk Babbs.
Rev. C. E. Wells performed the marriage ceremony. Mr. St. Clair is a
brakeman on the Big Four and lives at Mt. Carmel, Ill.,
to which place the bride and groom took their leave Thursday morning on the ten o'clock train.