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Bashie Boone placed in Asylum
W. L. Edwards and wife, custodians of the county farm, took Bashie Boone, 78 years old, colored, to the southern Indiana hospital for the insane Thursday. The hospital is located at Madison. "Aunt Bashie", as she is familiarly known, has been in feeble health all winter and her illness has at times affected her mind. Her husband, Bradford Boone, died several years ago and she has been living alone.
Bashie is a daughter-in-law of "Aunt Zilpha" Boone who died here in 1901 at the age of 111 years. The Boone family has quite a history. Aunt Zilpha and her son, Brad, were owned before the war by one Boone, a relative of the famous Daniel of Kentucky, and the slaves were freed long before the war, the stipulation being that the blacks should care for him till his death. In payment therefor he gave them the farm in Clay township on which the famous Boone's cave is located.
Eggs for Hatching
S.C. White Leghorns
$1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100
W. E. Jarvis
Spencer, R.R. 4
Saturday A Good Day
Saturday with its warmth and bright sunshine brought a goodly crowd to Spencer and they lined the sidewalks in the shade and enjoyed each other's company. The hitch rack was packed with teams and there was a prosperous look to things around the business section all day. The merchants report a good trade in all lines.
The ladies will be glad to lean that aluminum is cheaper. If they will visit the Joslin Hardware Co. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week they will be surprised. See Window.
William Seay of Worthington, was here last week to see his father, Chris Seay, who has been ill.
T.G. Straley was at Worthington Saturday.
Maj. D. I. McCormick of Indianapolis was here Saturday greeting old friends.
A delightful sense of vigor and exhilaration after a Mineral Water "Rub in the Tub."
W. S. Mead is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hammond and family in Indianapolis.
Herman Davis of Indianapolis, spent Sunday here with his parents, John Davis and wife.
Lloyd Summers of Martinsville came down Thursday night to attend a Masonic function.
Don't forget to file your mortgage before May 1st. Faye Cochrane, Pierson Block.
Rev. Foster and family spent Sunday in Worthington, guests of her mother, Mrs. Rairden.
Mrs. Thos. Draper of Lafayette came Monday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Padgett.
Good for rheumatic troubles: hot Mineral Water baths, 25 cents, 5 course ticket only $1.00.
Mrs. John Bennett entertained the Social Twelve Monday afternoon. Refreshments were served.
Rupert Spangler who has been working in Indianapolis, returned home last week and will likely be here through the summer.
Mrs. Robert Williams, a sister of J. W. Egnor, is critically ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. White, in Chicago where she and her husband have spent the winter.
What Would Make a Better Gift Than a Ticket for the Band Wagon?
Christmas is coming. Do you realize that two weeks from Saturday will be the date for the greatest holiday of the year. What have you done to prepare for it? Have you knit that pair of socks for father? Have you bought that box of cigars for mother? We will venture a guess, that is, is that you haven't bought a thing yet and won't until the last day. The struggle to get Christmas gifts to please everyone and yet to be in range of our purse is always a trying matter. You mayhap are laying awake of nights trying to think of things for sister Susie or uncle Bill and you worry your head off trying to think of something to get that will please them. There is one gift that is always pleasing especially to the folks away from home and that is the ticket for a years trip on the Democrat band wagon. Buy one and make the recipent of your Christmas gift this year happy. The following were in and secured tickets last week.
- Emmett Chambers, Spencer
- John Spangler, Coal City.
- Nannie Steel, Quincy.
- Mrs. F. M. Brown, Cataract.
- Henry Spangler, Coal City.
- Charles Black, Gosport.
- Daniel Stahl, Terre Haute.
- R. W. Macy, Spencer.
- Herbert Cooksey, Cloverdale
- H. B. Foley, Spencer.
- Rolla Stogsdill, Spencer.
- Mrs. Pauline Hicks, Raymond, Neb.
- Mrs. F. G. Smith, Indianapolis.
- Mrs. Cinda Crane, Running Water, South Dakota.
- C. C. Bryant, Freedom.
George Miller, age twenty two, son of Samuel Miller of Clay City, was shot and fatally injured by the accidental discharge of a gun while out hunting near Clay City one day last week, says the Brazil Democrat. The young man, accompanied by Edgar Harris, was hunting not far from Clay City when the accident occurred. Miller stepped up on a log to get a better view of the field they were in when he slipped and fell and the trigger of the gun struck against the log, accidentally discharging it. The load of shot took effect in his stomach, and he fell to the ground in an unconscious condition.
After making an examination of the wound three physicians announced that the young man was fatally injured, and that there was practically no hope for his recovery.
Town Council Meeting
The last regular meeting of the year for the present town council was held on Monday night. The books for the year's business were practically closed. Not much business was before the body with the exception of allowing the yearly salaries of fire chief Walter Proctor and his eighteen assistants and other incidental expenses. The salary of each of the firemen is $15 per year. Marshal elect Hugh Parrish and Councilman-elect Thomas Antibus were interesting spectators. A special meeting will be held during the month to dispose of all unfinished business before the January meeting, when the council will be reorganized.
Two small fires
Two small fires, neither doing much damage, made work for the fire department the past week. The first one was Saturday morning when a flue burned out at the home of George Dean, corner Franklin and Harrison streets, and the second one on Sunday at the home of Marquis Moffett on West Morgan street. The roof was slightly burned on account of a defective flue.
Stockholder meeting
? Poulton of Worthington, who recently purchased the Poohin farm of 452 acres, southwest of Spencer, has removed his family to the farm, which adds another desirable family to the citizenship of Owen county.
Moose feed
That flourishing fraternal order, the Moose, gave a "big feed" at the hall Saturday night, at which nearly all the members, with their wives, children and sweethearts, were present. After the lunch the evening was spent in social enjoyment and speeches, in all of which events it is said that County Clerk J. C. Clark took the lead and helped to make the occasion a pleasant one for members and visitors.
In Which Three Persons Were Injured, One of Them Seriously.
An automobile owned by Al Hickam and driven by his son, Oliver Hickam, turned turtle last Sunday morning opposite the Steve Summers farm, near Rattlesnake, three miles west of Spencer, and injured three persons. Besides Mr Hickam who escaped uninjured, the other occupants of the machine and their injuries were:
MISS OLIVE EGNOR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Egnor, right leg broken below the hip and otherwise injured about the body.
MISS LURA SLAUGHTER, librarian of the Spencer Library, head and neck terribly bruised; thought at first injuries caused concussion of brain, but she has nearly recovered. MRS. JOHN PAGE, daughter of Dr. J. N. Sloan, body bruised and lower limbs lasoerated (sic); not serious.
The party was out for a morning drive and when they came to the fatal spot, Charles Truax, tenant on the farm of Mr. Summers, hove in sight leading a couple of farm horses, intending to put them in a nearby pasture, and Mr. Hickam turned to the side of the road, which recently had been covered with a fresh coat of gravel.
The gravel gave way and the machine skidded partially down the eight foot embankment and turned over into the ditch, pinioning the occupants underneath.
The edge of the rear seat fell across the throat of Miss Egnor and the rear of the machine struck her with such force as to break her leg. The heavy door of the machine lay on Miss Slaughter's head, and but for the softness of the earth the young ladies would have been mashed to a pulp. Mrs. Page fell under the machine in such a manner as to receive only slight injuries. Mr. Hickam also fell under the machine, and it is probably owing to the height of the wind shield and steering wheel that he and Mrs. Page escaped so fortunately.
As soon as Mr. Hickam could extricate himself he managed to get on his hands and knees and by super-human strength he raised the side of the machine off of the unfortunate women until Mr. Truax, who had hurried to the scene, could drag them from under the car and also release Mr. Hickam.
A telephone call for assistance was sent to Spencer and Drs. Allen and Bartley and others hurried to the scene. The injured ones were given immediate medical attention and then hastened to their homes. Owing to the serious condition of Miss Egnor an automobile could not be used and a school wagon was secured in which to bring her home.
Mr. Hickam is employed in the offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Indianapolis and Mrs. Page lives in Grand Junction, Colo. They came here to pay a visit to their relatives.
The automobile was only slightly damaged. The windshield and front of the car were broken and the body of the machine scratched while sliding down the embankment. The place where the accident happened is considered to be a dangerous stretch of road for automobiles. It is a high, narrow road for a distance of a quarter of a mile, with a steep embankment of from six to ten feet, leading to an open ditch below. Several minor accidents have happened there, but this proved to be the only dangerous one.
Henry returns to Evansville
Ralph B. Henry, of the Evansville Hay and Grain Company, returned to Spencer Monday evening from Bloomfield where he had been superintending the loading of several car loads of hay for his firm. It will be to the advantage of Owen county farmers who have hay to dispose of to read his ad in today's Democrat.
Willen - Props married
John L. Willen, son of Christian Willen,and Miss Esther A. Props, daughter of Madison M. Props, were, married at the county clerk's office last Saturday afternoon, Rev. F. E. Davison officiating. The contracting parties live near Coal City and are popular young people of that vicinity.
Beaman visit
Mrs. Nan Beaman and son Dan of Franklin township were visiting the family of John McHaley of this place Friday.
Reported by Homer Elliott, Atty,Abst.
- Grace Ooley et al to John O. Carpenter etux. lot No 11 in Pleasant Valley. $50.00.
- Jane Beaman to Margaret Reiter, land in Jennings township $1.00.
- William Huntsicker to James W. Cook, 110 acres in Jackson township, $1,000.00.
- Housen Cooksey to Harvey Cooksey, 80 acres in Morgan township $32.
- Pavil Wilson to Benjamin Babbs, lot No. 45 in Franklins addition to Spencer, Indiana. $1.00.
- Lemuel Parrish et al to William H. Rice, undivided one third interest in lot 32 in Beem's addition and lot 7 in Spencer, Ind. Exchange of property.
- Morta Parrish, Guardian to William H. Rice, undivided one third interest in lot 32 in Beem's addition to Spencer, Ind., Exchange.
- Robert W. Rice et al to Dora Freeman, land in Washington tp. $800.00.
- J. I. Buskirk to Burl Greene, lot 8 Block 7 in Gosport, Ind., $176.00.
- Mary Langdon to Harvey Cooksey etux, 37 1/2 acres in Jackson tp. $400.00
- Jesse L. Gray to George W. Taylor 40 acres in Clay township, $1.00
- Harvey Evans to Sabina L. Sweet 30 acres in Montgomery tp. $2500.00.
- Thomas O. Phillips to James B. Phillips, etux undivided one third of two thirds of land in Washington tp. $500.00.
To Organize Charity Committee
Members of the Tri Kappa sorority issued a call for a meeting of the charity workers of the city at the city ball last Tuesday night, but only a meager crowd responded. Misses Louise Cooper, Ione Cassady, Faye Cochrane, Joel Cochrane and Lorraine Greene were present, representing the Tri Kappas and a half a dozen men took enough interest in the meeting to attend.
The object of the meeting was to formulate plans to more evenly distribute the charity work among the different charitable organizations of the city. A committee, consisting of Court Chambers; F. E Davison and Joel Cochrane, were appointed to call on the lodges, business men and churches to enlist their support. A meeting will be held at the city hall next Tuesday night, and it in hoped that the men and women interested in charitable work will attend. A big Christmas tree may be put up in the court house yard on Christmas eve, and a suitable prevent will be given to every child in Spencer. Councilmen Summers, Williams and Coffey have offered to secure the tree and L. Lowenburg, president of the electric light company, kindly consented to have the tree lighted with different colored lights free. This question will also be discussed at the meeting.
An all Day Meeting.
There will be an all day meeting at the Baptist church next Sunday, beginning with a Sunrise Service at six o'clock in charge of the B. Y. P. U. to which all the young people of the other societies are invited and any others who will come.
Bible school at 9:15, Preaching at 10:30, at noon dinner in the basement. Every member is requested to brng their baskets well filled and old fashioned basket dinner in the basement. Friends are invited to come at 2:30 in the afternoon. In the evening at 7:00 Bro. R. W. Turner of Martinsville will preach and all are invited to hear him.
B. Y. P. U. 6:00
Evening Worship 7:00
Special Business meeting Wednesday night. Every member is urged to be present. A Cordial Welcome to all. L. C. Overman, Pastor
Gravel Road and Bridge Contracts Let—Bid for Court House Janitor.
Sickness of members of the commissioners court came nearly being the cause of postposing the December session of the body this week. Samuel Oberboltzer telephoned to Auditor George W. Stwalley that it would be impossible for him to attend on account of sickness. Later Commissioner John Black notified the auditor that he, too, was sick and could not be here Monday. Commissioner Jesse Johnson came in early, but under the law he could not transact the business and nothing was done during the day. Mr. Black came in Tuesday morning, and, although sick, he and Mr. Johnson disposed of considerable business.
Bids were opened and the contract let for the construction of the gravel road known as the Van Horn road, in Jefferson township. The contract was let to John E. Doke, he being the lowest bidder. The bids were:
- John E. Doke...........$1,348.00
- Andrew Collenbaugh 1,458.20
- Willard Harstine 1,446.90
- Sam F. Hays 1,473.00
McCormick's creek bridge was let to George R. Babbs for $398.00, he being the only bidder.
The contract for doing the concrete work on the east side of the court house was let to the lowest bidder, as follows:
- George R. Babbs ..... $149.38
- N. W. Pickens 174.00
The construction of the Fish creek bridge was awarded to the Vincennes Bridge Co., the bids being:
- Vincennes Bridge Co. $925.00
- Sam F. Hays 974.00
The following bids were submitted for the position of janitor of the court house. The commissioners will announce the name of the successful bidder later:
- Nelson Bigger.... $364.00
- George W. Vandevender...$523.50
- Cos R. Proctor 638.75
- Samuel Tow 429.00
- George R. Coffey 497.00
- Homer Gantz 540.00
At a meeting of twenty-four football men of Indiana University at Bloomington last Saturday, Freel McIntosh, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McIntosh of Freedom, was elected captain for 1916. He is full back on this year's eleven.
Mr. McIntosh came into prominence as a member of this year's squad of Indiana University players when he made Indiana's touchdown in the Chicago game, and later distinguished himself at Indianapolis by running eighty yards from the initial kick-off in the Washington and Lee contest for the only Indiana touchdown. He also played a scrappy game against Purdue and was one of the beat ground gainers on the squad. Besides football, the other branch of athletics he takes part in is the track, his events being the 100 and 220 yard dashes.
Rev. Foster Closes Revival.
A correspondent of the Worthington Times says: "Bro. M. V. Foster of Spencer closed a ten days' meeting at Lincoln church, in Smith township, with five additions, one by letter and four by baptism. The meeting closed much to our regret, as the sermons were all very instructive and helpful. Bro. Foster has labored with us for nine months and made many warm friends among the people of this community, and all having a kind feeling for him.
McClean Johnson Dies
McClean Johnson, forty-seven years old, treasurer of Clay county, died suddenly Friday evening of heart disease. He went home from his office after dinner complaining of illness, but returned to work in the afternoon. He went home again in evening and lay down, dying soon afterward, A widow and daughter survive.
New Candy Kitchen.
George Poolitsan of Bloomington and George Poolitsan of New York are here busily engaged in superintending the work of remodeling and decorating the J. N. Thomas business room on the south side of the square, where they will soon open up one of the most up to-date "candy kitchens" in this part of the state.
Every known kind of good candy, freshly made, will be in stock for lovers of sweets, and there will be cozy nooks and comfortable seats for those who wish to be served in the store. A costly soda fountain will of (sic) installed and delicious hot and cold drinks will be served. A big musical instrument is on the way and the Poolitsan establishment will be a place to drive away care and forget your troubles.
These gentlemen are expert candy makers, and everything will be fresh and pure.
Phillips Jewelry Store
The Phillips Jewelry Store was one of the prettiest places in town Thursday when the Christmas opening was held during the afternoon and evening. Hundreds of visitors took advantage of the occasion to pay their respects to the genial proprietor and his assistants.
Forty Years Old.
Last week the Democrat started on its forty-first year with a bonafide circulation larger by far than it ever had during its entire existence. We have added many new names to the list during the past year and we easily lead in point of circulation any other paper in the county; in fact, nearly double that of at least two papers. No increase in the advertising rates has been made, and that fact should be taken into account by shrewd advertisers when placing their advertising for 1916. When the editor took charge of the paper nearly eighteen years ago the circulation did not exceed 1,000, but we have, by hard work and perseverance, built it up to its present high standard.
William H. Cassady
William H. Cassady was one of a class of 371 neophytes that kept the camel busy at the Murat Temple, Indianapolis, last Friday night when they learned the mysteries of the Shrine, known to the unitiated (sic) as the thirty-second degree of Masonry. Charley Allison, John H. Smith, Horace Bacon and George Moore accompanied Mr. Cassady and witnessed the work.
Pike Road Superintendents
The following assistant pike road superintendents were here Tuesday: Asa Close, Morgan township; Joe Meek, Jennings; Frank Manning, Harrison; Wm. Alverson, Montgomery; Frank Hester, Washington; John Anderson, Wayne; Charley Klingler, Marion; Fred Everhart, Jefferson; S. W. Williams, Franklin; Hugh Parrish, Washington.
Bixler clothing store
The big Bixler clothing store has probably outdone all previous efforts in the way of window display. This time it is an entrancing winter scene with good old Santa Claus peeping out at the splendid Christmas presents he is going to carry to your homes the night before Christmas.