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Carp / Freedom
Mr. Snyder and family spent Xmas with Chester Powell and family.
- Mrs. Hattie Hyden, Walter Crowe of Spencer and Ben Crowe of Bedford visited John Hill and family Tuesday - Anthony Minnick and Wm. Minnick of Terre Haute spent Xmas with Millard Minnick and family, and John and Dorothy Minnick accompanied them home to spend the holidays. - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown of Bloomington spent the holidays with Mrs. Dennison. Mrs. Herbert Brown called on Mrs. Millard Minnick Xmas. - Mrs. McMahan spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wisner of Cuba.
There is a lot of sickness here.
Game Warden Dixon of Bloomfield was here Saturday on business. N. G. Hickam and wife spent Sunday with Zack Light and family. Dr. J. Branham and son Harry are building a modern garage in the south part of town.
Mrs. Ivan Carpenter of Spencer spent Xmas with her parents, C. R. Johnson and wife. - Clayton Hudson has resigned as teacher of the 8th grade and accepted a position in Jasonville schools. James M. Pierce and wife came home Saturday from Rochester, Minnesota, where they spent four weeks in Mayo Brother's hospital. - Wallace Franklin and wife left Saturday for Bloomington where they will make their home. - C. F. Needy and family and Evitt Price and family of Worthington spent Xmas with Mark Needy and family. - A large crowd of basket ball (sic) fans went to Spencer Wednesday night and saw the home boys defeat the Spencer team with a score of 21-18. - Dorothy McBride spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Frank Nelson at Switz City. - Charley McBride and family, Mrs. John Forest and sons, of Rockville, Fred McBride and family of Lyons, Freat McBride and wife of Seldon, Kas. spent Thursday with their parents A. B. McBride.
- Mrs. Carl Sexton and sons of Worthington spent Sunday at the James Pierce home. - Mrs. Emil Williams left Sunday for Ripley county where she will teach music and art. - Ruth Mable of Indianapolis is spending the holiday with C. C. Bryant and wife. - Roy Stevens has purchased the hardware of Orrie Franklin.
The Farm Life Publishing Co. To Erect Big New Building Alongside Present Plant - Preferred Stock Offered
The Farm Life Printing Co. of this city is preparing to erect a new building to occupy the space from its present main building to the alley north. They recently acquired the office of Dr. Allen Pierson and the new building will take in the entire space to the alley. It will harmonize in general appearance with the original Farm Life bulding. The new purchase of real estate now gives them a a solid quarter block in the corner formed by Main and Jefferson streets.
The growth of Farm Life has been phenomenal. About eleven or twelve years ago they moved into the new building they had erected on the present site and since then they have gradually increased their business and acquired more and more real estate forming the solid unit, as it now stands, of a quarter block.
The subscription list, during the past few years, has had a remarkable growth and for the past year has been increasing at the rate of about 7,000 daily. This is, of course, partially offset by expirations, so that the net gain daily varies somewhat.
The Farm Life company has a payroll of $140,000 annually. This is the payroll of actual employees within the building and does not include ther advertising agencies or other items. Their postage bill alone runs between $90,000 and $100,000 and they pay 10% of all the second class postage in Indiana. Second class postage applies to publications - newspapers, magazines, etc. - and of all the postage in the state of this class Farm Life pays one tenth.
To finance the new building project he company is arranging to sell some $20,000 of preferred stock. This is to cover the cost of the improvement. This is to be sold from a $50,000 preferred stock issue of 1914. The stick pays 7% semi-annually and is not taxable so far as the holder is concerned, the company assuming the taxes. This stock is now on the market and it is more than likely it will all be taken by local people. The stock is $10 a share.
The Farm Life Co. has put Spencer on the map. It has made the Spencer postoffice an office of the first class and furnishes employment to a big number of people, both women and men, and the payroll alone means much to the town. The payment of $140,000 means $11,666.66 monthly or nearly $6,000 every two weeks. The rapid growth of the concern and the fact that its increased earnings have been repeatedly put back into improvements of the plant makes it a safe investment of the gilt-edge brand.
Practical Joker At Spencer Almost Takes the Life of a Friend
(Owen County Journal)
Through what is believed to be the prank of a so-called joker, Raymond Babbs, of Spencer, had a close call from death last Saturday when he ate a poisoned orange that had been given him.
Babbs stepped into the Brown vulcanizing station Friday and noticed an orange that had apparently been left by some one, and upon directing a question to others collected in the station as to the ownership, was told that it belonged to him if he cared for it.
Naturally, and without suspicion, he ate the fruit and a few minutes later started to his home. When he arrived at his home he told Mrs. Babbs that he felt like he was burning up inside and not feeling well. He went to the taxi barn across the street from his home and there fell in a faint. Dr. Rice was near and with the aid of another physician who was called, realizing from the symptoms exhibited that the stricken man was probably suffering from poison, administered warm milk as first aid. He was taken to his home and the first aid treatment followed by the administering of drugs to incite vomiting. The vomiting relieved him. Closer examination showed that his mouth and throat were badly burned. He was very sick during the night but was out of danger by Sunday night.
According to Babb's grandfather, George Babbs, who said he made an investigation, the orange had been charged with croton oil, probably injected with a syringe, as young Babbs did not notice any break in the peel of the fruit when he ate it. It is said that another orange had been loaded with gasoline, but fortunately, no one ate it.
Saturday Afternoon Blaze Guts Room Occupied As Movie House - No One In Building
Fire, supposedly starting from an overheated stove, destroyed the Campbell Theatre here Saturday afternoon. The fires had been built preparatory for the afternoon show and the proprietor, H. E. Campbell, had crossed the street to a garage. The stove, it is believed, became overheated and set fire to the back row of seats and a flimsy partition. The first intimation anyone had of the fire the heat from the interior heaved the glass of the front into the street, glass flying across Market street. No fire reached the operating room till some 15 minutes later. The fire department played two big streams on the fire for over 30 minutes before they had it under control. The fire started about half an hour before the matinee time, when the theatre would have been filled with children and country folks. The building is owned by E. B. Phillips and is insured. Campbell carried no insurance on his fixtures. The fire was confined to the one building, though at one time it threatened to break into the furniture store of Ed West & Son.
The room is on the south side of the square, between the West furniture store and the Egnor & Crane feed store. The interior was made of flimsy material, beaver board forming a big part of partitions and side walls of the rear half of the room. The operating room was overhead and was situated midway of the room, entrance being from the outside of the building. It, however, was lined with fireproof material and was about the last thing to burn. It was supposed by many at the time of the fire that it had been caused by a film explosion but this was a mistake. Examination of the front of the building showed that the fire had started near the front stove, just beside the ticket office. The back row of seats near the stove showed the full force of the fire and were badly burned, while the seats beyond were only slightly damaged.
The fire was discovered at 1:15 o'clock and by 2 o'clock the department had it under control. The interior burned like powder and spread so rapidly that the firemen experienced considerable difficulty in fighting it. It spread from front to back almost in a flash. George Campbell, the operator, attempted twice to get into the operating room but the smoke was so dense he could not get inside. Neither time was there any sign of fire in the operating room as it was the last to burn.
The films of "Penrod", the show for Saturday, together with the projecting machine and all the paraphernalia used in connection with the operation, were destroyed.
A car, belonging to Walter Hudson of Clay Township, was parked in front of the theatre and it caught fire when the front of the building blew out. The top was burned off and the upholstering damaged.
Widow of Capt. McNaught Dies Here At Age Of 91 Years - Husband Died Only A Few Months Ago
Mrs. Sarah (Puett) McNaught, 91 years old, widow of Capt. Robert McNaught, died Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Field. Her husband died only a few months ago and since his death her decline has been rapid. For years she had been an invalid. She was a native of Monroe county and was married to Robert McNaught October 9, 1851. Two children were born to this union, only one of whom, Mrs. F. M. Field, survives. A grandson, Wade Fitch, lives in California and one granddaughter, Mrs. Mary (Field) Bacon, lives here. A brother, the Rev. George Puett of Ellettsville, is now almost 96 years old.
Mrs. McNaught's father, William Puett, was a Baptist minister in Monroe county. Mrs. McNaught was born January 6, 1832, near Ellettsville. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the home of F. M. Field and interment will be made in Riverside cemetery.
Former Resident Dead
Ralph E. Johnson, of Lincoln, Nebr., sends us word of the death of Mrs. Lillie Beach at Alhambra, Calif., Feb. 4. She was a daughter of Mrs. Amma Johnson Fulk and a granddaughter of Finley B. Johnson and will be remembered by the older citizens here. Amma Johnson married a Johnson and later married a Fulk. She and her first husband conducted what is now the Laymon Hotel and there Lillie was born, also Laura, Emma, Charlie, and Grove Johnson. The only one of the children surviving is Mrs. Laura Wilkinson, now living in Omaha.
George Z. Smith Dead
George Z. Smith, 83 years old, for many years a farmer of this county, died suddenly Thursday morning at his home west of Spencer. He had been ailing for several months and for three weeks past had been confined to his bed. Thursday morning he was awakened as usual about 5 o'clock by his daughter, Mrs. McGuire, and a little later he was found dead. Heart disease is thought to have been the cause.
Mr. Smith was born in Ohio April 6, 1840, and was a son of James Smith. His mother's maiden name was Sheppard. For practically all his life he had lived in Owen county. His wife died about three years ago. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Lawerence (sic) Hahn, Mrs. Sam McClure and Mrs. Arthur McGuire, with whom he lived, all living in or near Spencer.
Funeral services were held Friday at the home and interment was made in Riverside cemetery. He was a Red Man and the lodge officiated at his funeral.
Egnor doing fine
Telephone word from the Methodist hospital, Indianapolis, Saturday was that J. W. Egnor, Sr., operated on Friday afternoon, was "doing fine". The quotation is from Dr. Wishard, who operated on Mr. Egnor. "Uncle Jim's" many friends here will be hoping for his early return home in good health.
Dowd Hall Dead
Dowd Hall, about 78 years of age, son of John Hall, died Nov 8. at his home in Jasonville and was buried Nov. 10 in the McIndoo cemetery near Freedom. He was the father of ten children, seven of whom are living, and all were present at the funeral. Mr. Hall lived here several years ago and will be remembered by many. Relatives from here attend ing the funeral were: Wm Hendrick and wife, Jesse Maners and family, Mrs U. S. Mathes and Chas. Hall.
Ora Carter
Ora Carter and family of Indianapolis were here last week to visit his mother, Mrs. Melissa Carter,and his sister, Mrs. Don Stimson.
James Welty Dies Suddenly
James B. Welty, 66 years old, a farmer of Morgan township, died suddenly Wednesday night of acute indigestion at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emory Sheese, in Brazil. He had gone to Brazil to have a cataract removed from his eye and was being treated to get him physically fit, and the indigestion developed.
He was a son of David and Sarah (Hively) Welty and was born in Owen county May 21, 1857. He was married Aug 28, 1879, to Eliza Chaney. The wife and four children survive him. The children are Mrs. Grace Spear, Saline City; Harvey Welty, Vandalia; Mrs. Myrtle Sheese, Brazil and Ray Welty, Vandalia. He also leaves four brothers and one sister as follows: Hiram of Atkinsonville, Jesse and Samuel of Finley, Ill., Amos of Huntington. Ind., and Mrs Mary Burns of Kansas City, Kas.
Short services were held at the Welty home Friday afternoon and the funeral service was held at Carolina church, where interment was made.
Ross W. Keys
Ross W. Keys was born March 8th, 1894, at Patricksburg, Ind. He spent a good part of his younger days in Bowling Green, Ind. At the age of 19 yrs, he accepted a position at the State house at Indianapolis, during the administration of Gov. Ralston, after which he was employed with the Dean Pump Co. until the time of his death. In April 1922 he was taken into the South Eastern I. O. O. F. Lodge. He was a faithful member and loved by all who knew him. He is survived by the wife, one daughter, Dorothy Ernestine, the mother, Flora E. Bogle, one sister, Mrs. J. C. King of Holtsville. Calif., and one step brother, Lowell Bogle, of Terre Haute. He was laid to rest at Bowling Green, Ind. Oct. 11th. Ross was a grandson of Dr. J. A. Williams at Patricksburg.
Quite a lot of sickness in this neighborhood. Earl Reese and family motored to Ellettsville Sunday. Misses Emma and Ethel Corbin of Spencer were here Sunday with home folks. Miss Mary Powell of this place and O. T. Powell and family of Patricksburg visited their sisters Mrs. Jas. Gray and Mrs. Earl Stockwell in Morgan County Sunday. Everett Ault and wife spent Thanksgiving with relatives here. Estil Troth and family of Crawfordsville are visiting home folks for a few days. Fonner Sharp and wife, N. W. Troth and wife visited Dewey Troth last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morley of Illinois spent Thanksgiving with the latter's parents, Earl Reese and wife. Clyde and Delbert Witham of Terre Haute are spending a few days with their grandparents, Robt. Newport and wife. The pie supper at the school was well attended and the amount made was $25, which will be used to pay for some maps the teacher lately purchased. We have been having school for several years without maps. We are led to believe the party was mistaken about the founding of our little town. The three men who laid out the town were, Jacob Hicks, father-in-law of Sam Stwalley, 84 yrs. old of this place. The old Hicks home is one mile west of town and occupied by our mail carrier B. F. Staley. Calvin Bender of Spencer, 90 yrs. old is another son-in-law of Jacob Hicks. The other two men were one Daily and Vandyke. They suggested the name "Hicksville" but Jacob Hicks objected and they spliced the two names of Vandyke and Daily and hence the name Vandalia. There are many descendants of all three families. The little son of Lewis Loser being the 5th generation of the Hicks family. Hicks came to this place almost 100 yrs. ago from Tennessee. We were glad to have the Spencer young folks present at our Epworth League Sunday nite.
Mrs. James Rowland spent Sunday in Paragon.
Dividing Ridge
T. L. Franklin shredded corn Wednesday. Wayne Watson was at Bloomington Wednesday. Clarence Williams and wife spent Thursday with J. F. Dyer and family. Clarence Hanna and family of Dugger were visiting relatives here Thursday. W. C. Franklin and family of Bedford spent Thanksgiving with home folks. V. A. Smith and son Malcolm spent Thanksgiving with Chas. Schmidt and family. Earl Kellar and V. A. Smith and son, Malcolm, spent Thursday evening with Dean Jean. Ralph Hines accompanied by his nephew Arthur Adams of Peru, drove down to spend Thanksgiving with Abe Hines and family. Pearl Hines of Indianapolis and Ray Dyer and family of Worthington also spent the day with them. Carl Griffith and wife and Lewis Williams and wife spent Thursday with Sam Griffith and family. Mrs. Wayne Watson called on Mrs. Paul Hines Friday afternoon.
Poplar Ridge
Wm. Dickey has moved to the Jane Beaman house to be nearer his work. Mrs. Ross Ruebeck helped Mrs. Chas Amers can mince meat Wednesday. Mrs. M. E. Ralston was at her house north of Cunot Tuesday on which she is thinking of making extensive repairs. Mrs. Will Morris and daughter, May, were trading at Jordan Monday. Oscar Ahlmeyer and family were at John Herbert's home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Bert Ruebeck visited Mrs. Chas. Amers Tuesday. Mrs. Cora Herbert was at Poland Wednesday. Cleve Schroer is shucking corn in Illinois. J. O. McCain of Ben Davis was at Mrs. Ralston's place north of Cunot Tuesday. Virgil Morris was at Poland Thursday. Butchering has been the order of the day, with vaccination a close second, several neighbors having lost hogs by cholera. Otis Ablemeier and family were at Cloverdale Saturday. The Thanksgiving program at the Precinct school Wednesday afternoon was good, though the attendance was small. Mrs. Bonnie McCruitt is visiting John Farlee and family. The rain Thursday did not seem to dampen the sprits of the hunters much. Forrest Herbert is rather poorly as of this writing.
Misses Bessie South and Helen Haltom spent the week end in Indianapolis, the guest of Mrs. Cora Caldwell and Miss Lillian Teague.
Misses Alice and Marjorie Thompson spent the week end in Spencer with Miss Ruth Cassell.
Charles Dunn, of the Burton & Dunn Grocery, was absent from the store a few days last week on account of sickness.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fox visited relatives in Stinesville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wible and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson, of Stinesville, were visitors here Saturday.
Mrs. Ernest Britton, of Indianapolis spent part of last week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lundy.
Mr. and Mrs. Manly Wible were visitors in Indianapolis Saturday.
The Art Club, an organization of the Christian church, held a bazaar in the Buskirk millenery room last Saturday. They also served lunch at the noon hour and oyster soup and ice cream and cake in the evening. The profit was a little over $100.
Mr. Sadie Goodman is confined to her home on account of sickness.
Mrs. Katie Whitaker returned last week from Fort Wayne where she spent three weeks with her son and daughter, Miss Hester, who is teaching in the public schools, and Sam who is employed at that place.
Mrs. Alice Wampler and son, Welch and Mrs. Nettie Lukenbill and daughter. Mrs. Theory Mugg, went to Indianapolis Tuesday. Mrs. Lukenbill and Mrs. Mugg will remain several weeks.
J. S. Davis and son, C. A. Davis. who have been buying timber in the north part of the state, are at home for a few days.
Mrs. Bessie Strain entertained the members of the King's Heralds, an organization of children between the ages of six to fourteen, at her home Thursday evening. A good program was given and each gave a Christmas offering which amounted to about (illegible). This will be used in the (illegible) field.
(illegible) and Mrs. Thomas Dodd and Mrs. (illegible) Strain were visitors in Indianapolis Friday.
(illegible) Mrs. John Stierwalt.
Mrs Sarah Stoute and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoute moved Monday from the Mrs. Posie Dunnagan property into the James V. Wampler property recently purchased from James Rose.
The associational board of promotion met Thursday at the Baptist church morning and afternoon session. Dr. Doring, of Assam, was present at both sessions with a live and burning message, which wa well worth hearing.
The members of the Senior class, of the local high school are planning to give a play sometime before the holidays, the exact date will be announced later.
Clement McCaw, of Cloverdale, and M. Richmond, of Springfield, Mass., were guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fox.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black have returned from a several days visit with their daughter, Mrs. E. L. Hand, in Rochester, N. Y.
Gosport is to have a new undertaking establishment, what is composed of Jesse L. Cure, of Martinsville, and Herman F. Hensley, of this place, who also operate a business in Martinsville. For the present the office of the new firm will be at the Hensley residence, south Fourth street. Latter different arrangements will be made.
The Rev R. I. Black, pastor of the Methodist church, has organized a class in bible study. The class meets each Tuesday evening in the League room of the church. About thirty have enrolled.
John Campbell of Muncie, came to attend the funeral of his uncle, C. B. Criss, Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Heaton, of Worthington spent last Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Sadie Goodman.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Smith, north of town, and Mrs. Effie Berwick and Miss Lizzie Holmes spent last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fox.
E. A McCarty and R. A. Lee, of Indianapolis, were here Tuesday to attend the funeral of C. B. Criss.
Charles B. Criss, age 47 years, died Saturday at 1:30 p. m, at the Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, following an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Criss had been in ill health about a year but was not forced to take his bed until on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and gradually grew worse and on Sunday it became necessary to take him to the hospital where he submitted to the operation from which he never recovered. Mr. Criss was born and reared in Gosport he was a graduate of the local high and also a graduate of Purdue University. For the past several years he had been engaged in the drug business in Gosport. He leaves a wife, one daughter, Dortha, a stepmother, Mrs. Sarah Criss, and one sister, Mrs. Ecma Batterton, and other relatives and a host of friends. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Christian church in charge of Rev. Shipplet and burial was in the Gosport cemetery.
Albert Imhausen, who was injured in an automobile accident in Bloomington some weeks ago, was able to return home Monday.
Miss Bessie Neff, of Muncie, spent Thanksgiving at home.
Mrs. George Skidmore, of Bicknell, was the guest of the Chris Colonbaugh family Thanksgiving.
Dow Light and family, of Indianapolis, were the guests of Jack Light and family during the Thanksgiving holidays.
J. L. Abrell and son had a new electric player piano placed in their restaurant last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sexon, of Worthington, visited the J. Pierce family Monday.
John Coffy, who has been in the hospital for some time, returned home a few days ago, and we are informed he will lose the sight of his eye he was having treated.
The Freedom Independents defeated the Martinsville Artisian Independents here Saturday evening. The score was 40 to 18.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Abrell motored to Terre Haute Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kindred and daughter Eva, of Worthington, and J. L. Abrell and wife took dinner Thanksgiving with the Karl Abrell family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Messick visited the Ballard West family at Urbana, Ill., recently.
Mrs. Rosa Abrell spent Thursday with Mrs. A. S. McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn visited their daughter. Mrs. C. F. McIntosh, at Worthington ,Tuesday.
Mrs. Grant Hooper and little daughter, of Bicknell, retuned to their home Friday after a visit with relatives.
The J. M. Pierce family left Thursday for Florida where they will spend the winter.
Fred Kirkham, of Vincennes, visited his parents, Olliver Kirkham, Sunday.
Rev. F. H. Albritten and family were Sunday guests of the Noah Courim family.
N. G. Hickam attended the funeral of a cousin at Bloomington Sunday.
Frank Needy, who has been on the sick list for the past (illegible)
Miss Mamie Douglas, of Washington township, who has been suffering from an infected finger for several weeks, is some better.
J. L. Arthur, of Indianapolis. called at this office on business Wednesday.
A musical comedy, given by the FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH, DECEMBER 14th, in the high school auditorium in Freedom.
Cast of characters follows:
Rev. Grundy, the minister, Iseral Messick (sic)
Mrs Grundy, his wife, Mrs. C. W. Hickam
All on anxious bench
Samantha Slick. Mrs. J. N. Courim
Penelope Perkins, Mrs. Byrd Stutz
Nodanna Simpkins. Mrs. Avis Wood
Vivian Walker, Vera Stutz.
Agatha Squals, She cools down a little, Mrs. Roy Stevens
Cayenne Pepper, Still stutters, Mrs. N. G. Hickam
Dephie Hardahear, Is still deaf, Appenine Allbritten
Kate Butcher, an old college chumb of Mrs. Grundy, Ione Light
Billie Butcher, a jolly good fellow, Jack Kirkham
Always Knoxit, Rev. H. T. Allbritten always on the job
Hugh Howler N. G. Hlckam
Music - C. W. Hickman, Ogle Johnson, Lillian Stevens, and Elizabeth Scott.
Scene - Living room of Parsonage
ADMISSION 15 and 25c.
Stop and Shop in Spencer
Santa Claus
will be at Parr's Variety Store, Saturday. December 15. Mr. Parr makes this announcement so all the boys and girls can have their letters written to Santa Claus. At Parr's Variety Store you will find toys and dolls and anything else that you need to make your children's Christmas complete.
Do you look forward to a good night's sleep, and get up in the morning refreshed and ready to meet the tasks of the day, or do you dread going to bed only to stare sleeplessly at the walls? The difference in sleeping and staring is simply a matter of nerve freedom. Let E. P. Stackhouse, the Spencer Chiropractor, explain. Consultation and analysis free.
Save Through Force of Habit.
We all find it hard to save money until we have "developed the habit." Every one knows that if we do a thing once or twice it becomes a habit. We do it unconsciously. The habit of saving money is not hard to acquire, START NOW, and "develop the habit" of saving money. The Exchange Bank.
Right Up To The Minute
Battery Service can be had at the Spencer Battery Station, We want to announce our eight hour battery charging system which will give more satisfactory service to our customers. We have up-to date service of batteries that suits the most particular. Give us a trial.
Candy Rags
and pillow tops, are all the rage. They are made of pure wool felt and of very beautiful colors. They are guaranteed to wear a life time, are washable and can be had in any size wanted. Give your sweetheart a set for Christmas. Will be on display at the Owen Music Store after December 1st.
Where Would
you go to get groceries and meats? I would advise you to go to Art Thomas' General Store on West Morgan street, to get the best groceries, meats and dry goods. Most people go where they get the best, so this is why I gave you this advice. Call phone 70.
The Interest of the Hour
the interest of the women is now centered on the winter hats. Some women prefer a specially designed hat, while the average woman is satisfied with the ready to wear hat became it is up to date, and well tailored. Mrs. N. E. Farris has anything in the millinery line you desire.
Get Them Now
Your Christmas gifts are now ready for you at the STYLE SHOPPE. Everything for the little tots on up to the older folks. Prices and values the most attractive in town. Why wait until the last minute rush and confusion. The Style Shoppe.
is the kind of flavoring extract that has won favorable comment for all baking purposes. It is double strength and in splendid flavors of lemon and vanilla. Try this dependable extract on sale at the E. O. Johnson Grocery on South Main street.
Come In
and do your shopping early. presents for every member of the family. Bathrobes and house slippers for grownups and children. Bath towel sets, fancy handkerchiefs and scarf sets. For the best in general merchandise, groceries and meats go to Teagardin's grocery on W. Morgan street.
Christmas Money.
Do you always have all the money you want at Christmas time? If not, then start an account with us today for the Christmas of 1924, and the problem of money for the Christmas season will be solved. A little thrift and determination on your part, joined with our (illegible) department, is all that is needed, Spencer National Bank.
These Cold and Chilly Days
remind me of the approaching winter, and the first thought is of our winter overcoats, sweaters, etc. Go to Bixler's "Home of Good Clothes," for your sweaters and overcoats and see Mr. Bixler or his clerks at once about the new flannel shirts in a large assortment of bright colors and checks and all sizes.
"The Family Store"
you have all heard of the "Family Store," located on the corner of Main and Market streets. It is called the "Family Store" because Mr. Vandeventer handles groceries, meats, shoes and other dry goods to suit the tastes, and to satisfy all of his customers. When in need of groceries or footwear go to Vandeventer's Store.
If You Need
a stove or range don't buy until you see E. B. Phillips stock of heating stoves and ranges which he will sell to you at a little above cost. If you need a new stove Mr. Phillips will be glad to accommodate you. Go to Phillip's Hardware store on the south side of the square.
You Are Judge
Housewives, you are judge of where to buy your groceries, meats and other kitchen wants. John Galloway's grocery on South West street has everything you will need in groceries, fruits, vegetables and meats at the right prices. Make a visit to his store or call phone number 6.
We Have
quick lunches for busy people, is what they will tell you at the Cozy Lunch Room, on the east side of the square. Try the Cozy Lunch Room for their short orders, sandwiches, soups and pies, and see if you won't call again.
is something we all desire, relaxes the nerves of the mind and body. What is better recreation than a good game of pool to brighten your hour of leisure. Mr. Ashley also serves hot lunches and soft drinks. Make a visit to W. C. Ashley & Son's pool room on the north side of the square.
A Bargain Is a Bargain
if it is only a bargain in groceries. At E. O. Johnson's grocery on South Main street, you will find the following bargains. Bulk new crop raisins and prunes. Raisins at 15c per pound and prunes at 16c to 18c per pound. This is bargain week, don't lose out on them. Mr. Johnson handles a good line of fresh and staple groceries at the right prices.