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Frank Baker dead
Frank Baker, who had been working at Brooklyn, received word Wednesday of last week that his wife was ill at their home at Martinsville. That night he boarded an interurban car which arrived at Martinsville at 10 o'clock. When the car was entering the city Mr. Baker rose and walked to the platform and stepped off while it was in motion and was thrown to the grown (sic), his head striking something that cut a large gash in his forehead and rendered him unconscious. He was taken to Indianapolis to a hospital where he died about 3 hours after the accident.
It was supposed Mr. Baker was asleep when he stepped off the car. He was a former resident of this place and is a cousin to Geo. and Alexander Baker, and was born in 1849. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and Masonic lodge.
His remains were brought here Saturday morning and taken to Hudson Hill church where his funeral was preached by Rev. Davis, and the body was laid to rest by the masonic lodge of this place.
We extend sympathy to the bereaved widow and children and other relatives.
Died of Scarlet Fever
Died, of scarlet fever, Friday, Sept. 28, '88, Blanche, the little 2 year-old daughter of Jeff Harris and wife. The remains were interred in Riverside cemetery Sunday afternoon.
Died of consumption
Died, of consumption, Sunday, Sept. 30, '88, Sarah, daughter of John Sims and wife. This is the second death in the family in the last two weeks. The body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery Sunday afternoon.